Originally posted by piqaboo:
I love this thread. Such pretty food!
What a challenge culinary school is - I guess its because a 'real' job in the kitchen is also physically and mentally demaning so they try to weed people out?
Being kitchen manager for this class sucks right now but I bet its a nice thing to have on a resume or to bring up in an interview.

I do think they are trying to weed people out. If you can't take this kitchen you definitely shouldn't be in a high-end kitchen and if you didn't want to be in one why are you at a LCB school?? Culinary training for people with lower standards can be had for much cheaper.
Being KM is a disaster. I'm managing but oh man. Example: yesterday we had our practical. During the bench rest of our dough (~30 minutes for that bread) we were told to make our starter for tomorrow and measure out the ingredients for our soaker. Before I could start that I had to quick clean the kitchen, there went 10 minutes, then I had to measure everything out for myself and for Chef, there went another 10 minutes. So I had under 10 minutes to produce 2 starters, wash bowls/clean up, properly store both starters, and be back at my station ready to continue on with the practical the second he says go (or minus 10 points on a 50 point exam for not managing time well). UGH. I got it done but I was literally skidding back to my station

This class is so hard. There is a lot of math and chemistry which I'm just not great at. I'm also really just not naturally talented in shaping and scoring bread. I'm just not. I'm getting so frustrated. I AM getting better....but I've practiced and practiced and practiced and now I'm at the "acceptable" level. Most people in the class haven't practiced at all and improved just as much as I have. But they started out being better than me too

. Sigh. I will get it...one day. I got an 80 on my practical. Sigh.
We also had a written test. My calculator died, again. Stupid school-supplied calculators are crap. I really need to remember to buy one. I usually just use the calculator on my computer or phone

. So I had to do all my math long-hand which wasn't too bad but I'm pretty horrible at decimal places and rounding (I know, should have paid more attention in 4th grade

) so I was really nervous about. Thankfully I got all of those right, I missed 4 questions but he ended up giving me credit for one of them because I should him the answer in the book so I ended up getting a 94%.
Tonight we are continuing on with our natural yeast starter and making cracked whole wheat bread. Yum!