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Culinary school rantings :) *added a couple pictures*
What Life?
Picture of Muffin's sister
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Today went great Smiler my partner didn't show up. Again. He shows up ~75% of the time it seems. I work better when he's not there, I'm more stressed and have a lot more on my plate...but I also get more space to work (I like to spread out Big Grin) and get dibs on a electric burner thingy so I don't have to fight to use the stove.

We made chocolate glacage (g-la-ssage like massage) to pour over the cheesecakes we baked earlier in the week. Plus we made lace tuile cups and cigarette paste garnishes to work on our platings.

Here's a picture of my plating Smiler I got a 98! Miss Snipy hovered over my station half of the class. She informed me that it was too simple and that Chef was going to make me redo it etc etc. I was soo close to telling her to shove it and go back to her station. But Chef was always around when I thought about opening my mouth.

She got an 85 on her crazy plate. Evil I only got a 98 because one of my chocolate dots wasn't in the center of the raspberry dot. Then I told him that I did the raspberry dots with a squeeze bottle and the chocolate dots with the chocolate dripping off a spoon because I didn't want to spend the time washing the squeeze bottle Big Grin. Then he said I kicked ass and took names by getting that neat that way. And in one shot Big Grin. But I still got a 98 because he already wrote it down. Darn.
Posts: 2262 | Location: Way Southeast of Phoenix | Registered: 21 January 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
What Life?
Picture of piqaboo
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That's really pretty.
Can I eat it now, please?
Posts: 2691 | Registered: 07 April 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Minor Deity
Picture of Mary Anna
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Some chemistry dude once told your aunt, after watching her conduct a quality control audit, that she kicked ass and took names. It must run in the family.

Glacage...gas chromatography...it's all the same.

Knock 'em dead, sweetie.
Posts: 15565 | Location: Florida | Registered: 22 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Pinta & the Santa Maria
Has Achieved Nirvana
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That's one of my favorite sayings. I was thrilled when my kids got old enough that I could use it around them.

Last night, in her last high school volleyball game, for example, my daughter kicked ass and took names. They won their first game 25-3. ThumbsUp
Posts: 35428 | Location: West: North and South! | Registered: 20 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
What Life?
Picture of Muffin's sister
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Nina - ThumbsUp Go Ninette!

I stopped by the registrar's office today to register for the bread class. I got in! It was announced online this morning (has to be registered/paid for in person) and I got the last seat of 25 people at 3:30pm. I ran from my car all the way there Big Grin. I beat out some guy that took the elevator Big Grin Big Grin.

I know the registrar pretty well by now since my schedule has been all funky since I tried to start classes in January. While I was signing up for the class she asked if I noticed who my next instructor was. I hadn't looked yet, it's my first chef Big Grin. When I first had him I hated him....then I got chef #2. and I really really miss chef #1. The kicker is chef #1 asked to teach MY class. and that he really enjoyed having me as a student. REALLY cool to have a certified master baker enjoy having you as a student.

I'm taking a 6 week course devoted to bread next. Plus my bread workshop is right before Thanksgiving break so I'll be doing even more bread! Yum.

I went to a Foodies group tonight. They took over a Scottsdale recreational culinary school and we learned how to make pasta. It was a lot of fun, I got to meet some other people. Made some awesome networking contacts! The lady that runs the group is also running the Guy Fieri (sp, guy from Food Network's Diners Drive Ins and Dives) show in December. She said she might need some behind the scenes help and asked for my name/number since I have "qualifications" Ha! The sad thing is that event is the last day of my classes for this up coming term. Meaning I probably have a final that night. So unless I can do it early I probably can't do the event if she calls....but networking is nice anyway!

I bet Bobby Flay will be there if I don't go.
Posts: 2262 | Location: Way Southeast of Phoenix | Registered: 21 January 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Minor Deity
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The kicker is chef #1 asked to teach MY class. and that he really enjoyed having me as a student.

But of course...

He knows a pretty face when he sees one!

He knows your hubby is a cop and he has a set of knives!

He knows a good student who has a small child, home to care for AND does well to get all her work done AND is a top student who will be famous one day!
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What Life?
Picture of Muffin's sister
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Big Grin Thanks LL! I don't think I'll ever be famous but I don't mind rubbing elbows with the famous at events Big Grin
Posts: 2262 | Location: Way Southeast of Phoenix | Registered: 21 January 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Pinta & the Santa Maria
Has Achieved Nirvana
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Congratulations! You must be on cloud nine to hear that Chef #1 specifically wanted you.

And I'm chortling at the image of you racing past the guy waiting for the elevator, and leaping up the stairs. All that time spent chasing after SM undoubtedly kept you in peak condition. Smiler
Posts: 35428 | Location: West: North and South! | Registered: 20 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
What Life?
Picture of Muffin's sister
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Originally posted by Nina:
Congratulations! You must be on cloud nine to hear that Chef #1 specifically wanted you.

And I'm chortling at the image of you racing past the guy waiting for the elevator, and leaping up the stairs. All that time spent chasing after SM undoubtedly kept you in peak condition. Smiler

Totally on cloud nine!

SM has trained me well. I took the stairs 3 at a time like I have to do to catch him when he gets a head start. I can also turn on a dime and sprint in another direction without losing much speed Big Grin Take that elevator guy.

Posts: 2262 | Location: Way Southeast of Phoenix | Registered: 21 January 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
What Life?
Picture of Muffin's sister
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Today we worked with chocolate! Yum. My partner didn't show up, like usual on Mondays. First we made chocolate bonbons, I made chocolate and orange with orange zest steeped in the cream then strained it out and used an orange liquor both in the ganache filling (they call it ganache but it's not 1 part chocolate 1 part cream...so I don't know what it is really called). I also used a little cocoa butter with coloring (orange) and a little white chocolate just for aesthetics on the top. Chef said they were wonderful and chocolatier shop quality Big Grin.

Then we had another demo on chocolate garnishes. During this demo a fellow classmate decided to show up. He's always late but rarely shows up after missing the first hour. I have zero respect for drug users and absolutely zero tolerance or patience. Guess who gets stuck with the guy that just shot up outside? Yup since my partner was MIA. UGH.

So we temper more chocolate and I lay it out to make our chocolate cigarettes. It has to set so I told J that I was gonna go wash the bowl and stuff and that he can make his when it sets and I'll make mine next. I was in line for the sink for a minute, washed our stuff, yadda yadda. I come back, he has his cigarettes kind of half-ass done....and scraped the rest of our beautifully tempered chocolate into the trash. Gee thanks.

So I melt more chocolate to temper. I really have to use the bathroom so I ask J please keep an eye on the chocolate. He flips out. Yelling that I ask him to do everything and that he's not a babysitter. So I take the chocolate off the heat, go to the bathroom etc, and come back to just start over.

J disappears for a good half an hour. No clue where he is.

I get my garnishes done and working on doing my hand rolled truffles. J appears out of thin air and starts apologizing for being short with me. I just say okay and keep doing my work. 5 minutes later I pop the center of my truffles into the freezer and go back to temper more chocolate since J won't help me keep it in temper and I'm not skilled enough to do it all myself yet. J flips out because I washed him spatula for him and I didn't "do it right" WTF Whatever. Chef is finally in the room and wants to know what the deal is. I just shrug and do my best to do my work and let J do his. I explained to Chef why I'm having to temper all of this chocolate by myself and now J is supposed to do his own.

About an hour later (this is a 5 hour course) J comes up to me and insists that we go out to the smoke deck. I don't smoke. I have no desire to go to the smoke deck ever unless I'm looking for someone (like my partner). He kept insisting that we had to go NOW. I kept telling him I don't care what you do but I have work to do, I don't smoke, I'm NOT leaving. He grabbed the bowl of freshly tempered chocolate and poured it all over the table (we do table chocolate to get it to temper but it was already in temper....) and on me from the waist down. WTF??? Chef kicked him out. He wanted to kick me out because I was filthy but all of my classmates were like uh WTF not her fault she's covered in chocolate. So he let me stay.

But now because of all of that crap I didn't get to finish my chocolate truffles. So that means I have to go in early tomorrow and finish them or I'm tanked on my practical tomorrow. My friend that I use as a babysitter if needed broke her leg this morning (she had knee reconstructive surgery in the spring and the healing has been rough. She still uses a walker and is careful and all that but she just keeps falling) so now I'm trying to find a way to get to class early without spending $$$$ for the sitter service that doesn't show up on time half of the time.

Posts: 2262 | Location: Way Southeast of Phoenix | Registered: 21 January 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
"One half of me is a hopeless romantic, the other half is so damn realistic."
Beatification Candidate
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WTF is right.
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Unrepentant Dork
Picture of dolmansaxlil
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Wow. Who are some of these losers they have put in this class? I'm happy to hear he got kicked out, and that your classmate stood up for you.

I saw your desperate plea for a babysitter on Facebook. That might be the only thing that could make me wish I lived in too-sunny AZ! Spending a few hours with adorable Stud Muffin and helping you out at the same time? What's not to like!

I hope your next round of classes are less frustrating people-wise!
Posts: 4103 | Location: Ontario, Canada | Registered: 29 June 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Minor Deity
Picture of Mary Anna
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Originally posted by dolmansaxlil:
I saw your desperate plea for a babysitter on Facebook. That might be the only thing that could make me wish I lived in too-sunny too-dry AZ! Spending a few hours with adorable Stud Muffin and helping you out at the same time? What's not to like!


Between getting stiffed for your hard cake-making work, getting punished by chefs for things that are not your fault, and getting abused by lazy and hostile classmates...don't you want to move back to Florida????
Posts: 15565 | Location: Florida | Registered: 22 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Pinta & the Santa Maria
Has Achieved Nirvana
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Wow, I'm steamed. What a jerk. If I were the instructor he'd be out on his behind, no refund, fail the course.

Besides, this guy is possibly going to get a job preparing my food? I don't think so. The chef should toss him out of respect for the profession, let alone you.
Posts: 35428 | Location: West: North and South! | Registered: 20 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
What Life?
Picture of Muffin's sister
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Originally posted by Mary Anna:
Originally posted by dolmansaxlil:
I saw your desperate plea for a babysitter on Facebook. That might be the only thing that could make me wish I lived in too-sunny too-dry AZ! Spending a few hours with adorable Stud Muffin and helping you out at the same time? What's not to like!


Between getting stiffed for your hard cake-making work, getting punished by chefs for things that are not your fault, and getting abused by lazy and hostile classmates...don't you want to move back to Florida????

Nope Smiler. I'm stubborn just like you mommy. Things aren't just going to magically fall into place in life. Gotta work to find your friends and work to find your work!

Nina - I want to know why this school doesn't do $%# about drugs. Seriously. I don't really care about pot, the smell makes me stomach churn but whatever. J is on freakin heroin. We all have seen him do it on the smoke deck at one point of another (he's been in the same classes as 95% of these people since April) and I've seen him do it twice in the last 6 weeks! It's disgusting. SM Sr says there's nothing to be do. What is he supposed to do, have one of his Scottsdale buddies sit in the SCI parking lot? Ugh.

I talked to Chef, J is going to fail the class no matter what and have to retake it so he's just letting that be his downfall instead of putting something on his student record. Absolutely stupid in my opinion but I'm not the Chef.

I can't wait to have Chef #1 back. He would have kicked his ass out and made him pay for new uniforms for me. A whole bottle of spray and wash plus bleach right when I got home didn't do the trick. Uniforms are so expensive. I have 4 other sets but it's a PITA to do school laundry more than once a week (I actually follow the instructions on the tag Big Grin never do that with our other every day clothes).
Posts: 2262 | Location: Way Southeast of Phoenix | Registered: 21 January 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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