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Serial origamist Has Achieved Nirvana ![]() |
No red ones. Lemon or orange. So they told me.
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Has Achieved Nirvana![]() |
Correct. The red (popsicles, too) can leave traces that can be mistaken for blood. | |||
Minor Deity![]() |
Lime is also OK, I assume. (Isn't broth acceptable?) I am SO dreading the fasting part. I must be a real food wimp, as that's far far the worst part part for me - WAY surpassing the non-stop runs. I think I need to watch a video of Dave Barry's walk-through colon to inspire me. Still have to go through this ordeal, because it was twice cancelled right on the cusp. Once from contracting CDiff, the second time from that mystery loss of time. (No, they still haven't diagnosed what caused those stolen 36 hours. Only the brain MRI remains to be had after myriad other tests. I'm reconciled to just trying to forget it ever happened and hoping it never recurs.) Whether or not the Merck manual has any pointers (except "Sleeping Beauty Syndrome"AKA KLS - which doesn't quite fit) https://www.flushinghospital.o...ine-levin-syndrome/, QUORA has dozens of readers writing in reporting they too have gone through episodes of equally lengthy - or longer - sleeping. Some repeatedly. *sigh*
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Has Achieved Nirvana![]() |
There's also white grape, pineapple, peach....just look at the ingredients and be sure there is no red food coloring listed. I usually do a clear homemade broth. It seems to be better at staving off the hunger pains than the sugary choices because I don't think it spikes my blood sugar as much.
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Has Achieved Nirvana![]() |
Having done the intermittant fasting thing, going hungry for a day is no big deal.
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Minor Deity![]() |
But it's not just one day, unless I'm doing it wrong. Besides which I think I ought to add at least one additional day (as PJ described). That's to avoid needing to repeat the procedure. I've already been required on two occasions to return the next day because the GI doc said I. wasn't "clean" enough for them to be sure of what they were seeing. (One MORE thing reminding me of the vital importance of medical insurance. For me, these were just a nuisance to return, but the cost was actually astronomical. (Duplicated cost was repeating surgeon's fee, operating theatre "rental", adjunct team members and the general anesthesia. That last alone was almost $2K by itself!) Are you sure you only fasted a single day, Steve? I never heard of such a short requirement. Besides that, there's that day of fiber-free food. Ginger ale, Saltines, potatoes and broth. They get old fast! wtg I completely agree about avoiding sweet liquids/popsicles in favor of broth to avoid a sugar craving from insulin bounce.
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Has Achieved Nirvana![]() |
Different GI docs have different protocols. Some docs ask people to do clear liquids for a couple of days before, or suggest that you ease up on high fiber foods for a day or two before. Both of the guys I've seen in the past had similar protocols. If the procedure is on a Wednesday, stop eating on Monday night at midnight. Clear liquids only on Tuesday. Drink prep late afternoon Tuesday and again, either late Tuesday or very early Wednesday, depending on what time your test is scheduled.
I'm not really doing intermittent fasting, but am definitely going much longer periods between meals. I wondered if it would help when prepping for my next colonscopy which is thankfully a few years off.
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Pinta & the Santa Maria Has Achieved Nirvana ![]() |
I just had mine done about 6 weeks ago, also on the five year plan. The prep wasn't fun, but not awful. It seemed better than my first one (I've had two). By "better," I mean it was less of that goo to choke down, and you got a break in between. But as WTG says, different drugs, different docs, different protocols. I could have clear liquids (chicken broth = clear liquid) the day before, until 6pm. Then I took the first round of meds, 16 oz of med followed by another 16 oz of H20, drunk within 1 hour start to finish. Then a break, then 4 hours before the procedure, another 16 oz of med + another 16 oz of H2O. That was my mistake.... the previous time you did all the prep before, went to bed, and then woke up and had only sips of water until the procedure. So this time I scheduled the procedure for 7am. Bad move. That meant I had to get up at 3:45am to start my next round of drugs, and you are, um, busy after that so it's not like you can go back and get a few more zzzz's. Next time I'll ask what the prep is, and if it's the same I'll schedule for right after lunch. But not a big deal. By far the worst part of it was needing to take a nasal swab COVID test a few days before, in order for them to admit me and do the colonoscopy. Well worth it for peace of mind, in my book. ![]() | |||
Has Achieved Nirvana![]() |
pj quote "the nuclear laxative" ![]() Been there. Done that. Due again in one year.
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Does This Avatar Make My Butt Look Big? Minor Deity ![]() |
The prep this time is a liquid diet the day before, take 12 laxative pills with a bunch of water the afternoon before, then take another dozen laxatives in the morning, then the procedure in the afternoon. So far, it seems to be slow going and not nearly as harsh as the liquid that I had to use last time period. I was worried I wouldn't be able to swallow the horse pills, but they have a nice coating on them so I had no trouble. I think the pill method is much easier than the liquid method. | |||
Does This Avatar Make My Butt Look Big? Minor Deity ![]() |
Bump! I discovered a new and original way for my insurance company to scam me. I had my colonoscopy, and all is well. They removed a polyp. Then I got a bill for $350 for the portion insurance didn't pay. That seemed odd, so I called the insurance company. The insurance company said that a colonoscopy is considered wellness care, and wellness care has no cost to the patient. But diagnostic care does have a cost of $350. Because they removed a polyp during the procedure, it was no longer just a screening colonoscopy but was diagnostic. After a moment of stunned silence, the insurance company rep said that it has been a long time since the patient has had a colonoscopy, it can be viewed as not diagnostic but instead can be viewed as screening. I said I hadn't had a colonoscopy in 10 years, so she said she would convert it to screening so I would pay nothing. WTF? First, it should be "screening" if it is being done as a screening. I don't care if they find a tumor the size of a grapefruit, the purpose was "screening" if I didn't present with symptoms. Second, how can it be that the people with the time and gumption to object get the charge waived? Shouldn't people be allowed to assume that the insurer is on the up and up and the patient isn't being deliberately scammed? I'll bet a lot of people just assume the bill is correct and pay it. Third, no one said a word to me about there possibly being a massive co-pay for this procedure, depending on the whim of the insurance company. Nor should they, because if people are told they might wake up with an empty colon and a $350 bill, people might decide to skip this unpleasant procedure. That's bad for everyone. You think I should complain to someone about this? If so, who? | |||
Has Achieved Nirvana![]() |
I think your insurer screwed up or is just hoping to slip this in under the radar, hoping that you wouldn't complain. edit: Or maybe the provider coded it wrong? What's covered with respect to colonoscopies has been a problem from the get-go when Obamacare went into effect. Initially, some insurers tried to charge patients for the anesthesia. Yea, the GI doc's work was covered but putting you under was on your dime. There was a clarification issued by HHS and that particular issue was dealt with. If they perforate your colon removing a polyp, that's on your dime. They don't tell you that unless you ask. Talk about a surprise if it happens to you. I found this, but don't know if it's the most current version. Might be helpful: http://nccrt.org/wp-content/up...NCCRT.KFF-report.pdf And I agree, it's insanity to make people have to figure this out. As for who to complain to, maybe your state insurance regulator, or one of the bodies mentioned in the above report.
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(self-titled) semi-posting lurker Minor Deity ![]() |
Cindy, I agree, this kind of thing is infuriating!! And this:
Adds to the unfairness so much! To navigate US health care, a patient has to be incredibly savvy, have enough free time to follow-up on these questions etc. etc. And the people who have the least financial wiggle room are mostly also those with the least resources to do the kind of push-back you did. Grrr.
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Has Achieved Nirvana![]() |
No, haven't had one yet but maybe soon. And, it just so happens I've been trying to schedule an endoscopy all day today. | |||
Minor Deity![]() |
I’m probably overdue. Thanks for the reminder. Jf
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