knitterati Beatification Candidate

| quote: Originally posted by Mary Anna: Welp. Here's a report on possible business impacts of leaving Facebook.
I posted the cover of my new book on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram yesterday.
I have roughly the same number of followers on my FB author page and my Twitter account. I've got about half as many on my personal FB page. I have barely even gone to Instagram, so I only have 10% of the following I've got on my author page and Twitter. There's some overlap among the followers of the different accounts, but not a lot.
I had about 7% engagement on my personal page, which is pretty good but perhaps not a valid test since a lot of them are my friends. It's especially good since I'm sure FB didn't show the post to everybody, but the number they showed it to is apparently a state secret.
On my author page, they only showed the post to 16% of my followers, but 13% of them engaged with the post, which I think is excellent. If I want more of the people who specifically said they wanted to see my posts to actually see them, I have to cross FB's palm with silver.
On Instagram, where I never ever go, I had engagement of 16% of my entire account. Methinks I need to spend more time on Instagram. Does this make sense? Isn't Instagram for people who look at pictures, whereas I'm trying to promote something to read? I don't know, but the people who do the marketing for my publisher are very high on Instagram.
On Twitter, where I've spent a lot of time lately and made great professional contacts for my academic job, I had 0.35% engagement. I enjoy Twitter, but I'm wasting my time there as a novelist.
I have now crossed FB's palm with a tiny amount of silver. I probably will do the same on IG. If the results are interesting, I will let you know but, in short, I'm making Zuckerberg richer and I hate it.
I get much more engagement on IG than I do on FB, and my following on IG is about 3.5x that on FB so it makes sense. I don’t pay for ads. Yet. Let me know how your results go! I’m having a lot of fun with my new book. My only book! |
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Minor Deity

| Congratulations on your new book! I'll let you know how the ads go. |
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| If there was a "like" button on this form I would have hit it for all these post. Let's see... I got up to like 2500 friends at one point and then slashed to 333. Some of your work casualties. For that I apologize. But it just was too much managing and I had a bit of a meltdown and I didn't want everybody to know that I wasn't perfect. Facebook is now dystopia.period. it's got robots making usually incorrect decisions about posts because they don't get nuance, or intent, or puns etc. One friend posted a Wikipedia entry for the Planet Earth and got a 30-day suspension. I was suspended from Facebook live for 30 days for posting a video of my local commuter train running down the street. And we just have to roll with it we don't have any choice. It is truly dystopia. I deleted Facebook Messenger because it listens to everything. I have WhatsApp but I have it on my other phone that is wifi-only. I haven't turned on Instagram yet. If a post makes me feel self-righteous indignation I just post it to "only me" because frankly I think the entire world is dealing from exhaustion from January 6th still. -------------------------------- Another day in Paradise.
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