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What behaviors will you change and when?
Has Achieved Nirvana
Picture of jon-nyc
posted 02 March 2021 08:50 AM
I mean re Covid, as you get vaccinated, as others in your circle get vaccinated, and eventually when vaccine and immunity levels are high in the community.

This is my plan as of now:

Upon my vaccination, really 2 weeks after the first dose, I'll act 'normal'. I don't mean pre-Covid normal, but like most healthy people my age around here (those last two words being an important caveat).

I'll send my son to school and camp (HUGE for us)
I'll go to the store when I want to. With an N95 of course.
I'll let my son do play dates outside.
Rachel will get her hair cut and go do some medical visits she's been postponing.
Get my piano tuned.
Schedule a high priority repair tech visit (main AC unit).

When Rachel gets vaccinated:

I'll plan trips again.
I'll rejoin the gym
Let the boy do indoor playdates masked.
Schedule piano party. Masked except for Grotriman when he plays the clarinet.
Schedule repair techs as needed.
Still wear masks in public.

When vaccine supply is such that anyone can get vaccinated if they so chose is when I'll stop wearing a mask in public, except for the places where I wore a mask even before Covid - medical centers, planes, airports.

Of course this could change if new info comes out about new strains, higher or lower transmissibility among vaccinated, etc. But those are my thoughts now.

And you?

If you think looting is bad wait until I tell you about civil forfeiture.

Posts: 33811 | Location: On the Hudson | Registered: 20 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of jodi
posted 02 March 2021 11:11 AMHide Post
I will go back to the gym after vaccination. I will go visit parents after that too. I will most likely continue to wear a mask during flu season - I really liked that I did not get sick over the holidays this year.

I’ve been going to get my hair done, and Ive had the piano tuned, and done a lot of thing I probably would not have done had we not already had the virus.

Smiler Jodi

Posts: 20525 | Registered: 20 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Picture of QuirtEvans
posted 02 March 2021 12:36 PMHide Post
I'll go to stores, masked.

I'll go into restaurants for takeout, masked (instead of curbside only).

We'll start taking our dance lessons again, masked.

Mary Anna will start to travel ... I may be a little more reticent about doing that, until more people are vaccinated and the numbers come down substantially.

We'll have our house cleaners back on duty. We'll have houseguests. (We just discussed that this morning ... masked and outside of hugging range.) We'll allow service people to do much-needed inside work.

No real need to return to the gym, we've managed to get enough equipment here to keep me busy.

It'll be a while before I stop wearing a mask.
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Picture of Steve Miller
posted 02 March 2021 12:54 PMHide Post
We'll be flying to Ohio to see the house before it closes. I may go myself if Sharon isn't vaccinated by then, but she should be. Seeing my grandson will be a huge bonus.

In about a month I'll schedule an appointment with the dentist and also get a proper haircut.

We actually like eating outdoors and don't see a reason to go inside a restaurant any time soon. I think a lot of restaurants are going to keep their tents and patios. One town has closed an entire street and is in the process of making it a giant outdoor upscale food court. I like that idea very much.

I am excited to be able to go to the Bluegrass Festival again this year. It's not until September and with any luck things will have settled down by then. I won't mind wearing a mask if that is what it takes.

In fact, we might as well use up all of these masks we have laying around and will keep wearing them for a while. Couldn't hurt.

I'm fortunate that I have not been as isolated as some people. There have been jobs to look at, various things to buy and sales calls all along. Those won't change much and that's fine with me.

Life is short. Play with your dog.

Posts: 35084 | Location: Hooterville, OH | Registered: 23 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
(self-titled) semi-posting lurker
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Picture of ShiroKuro
posted 02 March 2021 01:18 PMHide Post
In the short term:
Once Mr. SK and I get vaccinated, we will have some work done inside the house. We've had the piano tuner here during the pandemic, but he's someone I know well and I know he's careful in general. I don't feel so trusting towards others I don't know well, so there are a few maintenance things we're waiting on

We will not be indoor dining for a while.

We will start test driving some cars and hopefully buy one quickly! (But we will wear masks)

We will travel (hopefully in our new car) to see my mother! (Though we'll probably stay masked around her, even though we will all be vaccinated at that point)

In terms of indoor socializing at other people's houses, I don't think we'll do that any time soon. In my house, maybe, with some numbers and masks on inside. I'm thinking of my violin friend, once she gets the vaccine, I will invite her over for music making (we will both stay masked).

In the long term:
I may never stop masking... like Jodi, I really like not getting sick! If I do stop "ubiquitous" masking, there will be times when I'll still wear one, like when traveling, anytime I have an important something coming up (I can see myself masking for two weeks before a conference, for example).

Beyond that it's really hard to think about what will change.... Given that I have no clue when I will get the vaccine, and I know that Mr. SK will be even later, it's still kind of hard to visual anything post-vaccine.

My piano recordings at Box.Net: https://app.box.com/s/j4rgyhn72uvluemg1m6u

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Picture of piqué
posted 02 March 2021 03:54 PMHide Post
Two weeks after my second shot:

Haircut!! Hair this curly is a nightmare when it is this long.
Annual physical
Road trip! We have cabin fever pretty bad
I will continue to wear a mask when entering any indoor spaces.
Bathroom remodel, finally!
Piano tuned and regulated
Horse events, treks, clinics--horse stuff is naturally outdoors and at a distance
Visit friends who have been vaccinated
Mr Pique I expect will visit his mother (all-day flight)
Allow house guests who have been vaccinated
By Labor Day, I hope: Throw a neighborhood potluck

I will not go to large gatherings inside or out
I will keep wearing a mask indoors through next winter

fear is the thief of dreams

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(self-titled) semi-posting lurker
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Picture of ShiroKuro
posted 02 March 2021 04:45 PMHide Post
One thing I won't change (for a while anyway) is haircuts, Mr. SK and I have been cutting each other's hair since March 2020, and we'll keep doing that.

My piano recordings at Box.Net: https://app.box.com/s/j4rgyhn72uvluemg1m6u

Posts: 18860 | Location: not in Japan any more | Registered: 20 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Has Achieved Nirvana
Picture of jon-nyc
posted 02 March 2021 04:56 PMHide Post
I’m getting pretty good at cutting my own hair but still will be happy to return to the barber.

If you think looting is bad wait until I tell you about civil forfeiture.

Posts: 33811 | Location: On the Hudson | Registered: 20 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Minor Deity
Picture of Mary Anna
posted 02 March 2021 05:31 PMHide Post
I'm doing okay at cutting my own hair. And by that I mean that it looks terrible most of the time, but I don't think it's the cut. I just can't bring myself to care much about my appearance at the moment, so I only fool with my hair when I have a Zoom meeting. And when I do fool with it, I think, "Hey. This haircut is okay."

As for the rest of the time, Quirt is a very tolerant man.

Mary Anna Evans

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(self-titled) semi-posting lurker
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Picture of ShiroKuro
posted 02 March 2021 05:42 PMHide Post
And by that I mean that it looks terrible most of the time, but I don't think it's the cut.


I'm sure it looks fine! Smiler

Re hair cuts, I love the convenience of going down to the basement, getting a haircut, going upstairs and getting in the shower!

My piano recordings at Box.Net: https://app.box.com/s/j4rgyhn72uvluemg1m6u

Posts: 18860 | Location: not in Japan any more | Registered: 20 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Has Achieved Nirvana
Picture of jon-nyc
posted 02 March 2021 05:51 PMHide Post
It's the setup and cleanup that I've grown tired of. The cutting itself is fine.

If you think looting is bad wait until I tell you about civil forfeiture.

Posts: 33811 | Location: On the Hudson | Registered: 20 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
(self-titled) semi-posting lurker
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Picture of ShiroKuro
posted 02 March 2021 06:33 PMHide Post
the setup and cleanup

I get that. Some time last spring, we set up a spot in our basement, so there's not too much to do (we do have to sweep up afterwards of course).

Also, we got all the stuff-- cape, clippers, two kinds of scissors, mirror for the wall, barber brush thing... and more.

My thing is, I have never had a stylist who consistently gives me a perfect cut. It will be great one time, and so so the next, then great the time after that...

And I get a haircut like once every 5 weeks, and I *always* take a shower afterwards because otherwise some how (no matter how careful the stylist is) there's hair every where and I can't stand it. So I love being able to get up, get a haircut and be done with it!

My piano recordings at Box.Net: https://app.box.com/s/j4rgyhn72uvluemg1m6u

Posts: 18860 | Location: not in Japan any more | Registered: 20 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
(self-titled) semi-posting lurker
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Picture of ShiroKuro
posted 02 March 2021 06:33 PMHide Post
I may, however, send Mr. SK to a barber. He does better with my hair than I do with his! Leaving

My piano recordings at Box.Net: https://app.box.com/s/j4rgyhn72uvluemg1m6u

Posts: 18860 | Location: not in Japan any more | Registered: 20 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Has Achieved Nirvana
Picture of jon-nyc
posted 02 March 2021 06:35 PMHide Post
I was doing mine on the back porch, but that meant carrying a full length mirror (heavy) from the garage up a flight of stairs every time, then bringing everything else I needed outside.

When it got cold I started doing it in my shower. It's quite large and the mirror is visible from inside, though I can't see really close up. I do it with the shower totally dry so sweeping is a breeze, and of course I rinse off right after.

But then there's cleaning and oiling the clippers...

If you think looting is bad wait until I tell you about civil forfeiture.

Posts: 33811 | Location: On the Hudson | Registered: 20 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Has Achieved Nirvana
Picture of Steve Miller
posted 02 March 2021 06:50 PMHide Post
Originally posted by ShiroKuro:
I may, however, send Mr. SK to a barber. He does better with my hair than I do with his! Leaving

Well he is, after all, "good with the hedges." Smiler

Life is short. Play with your dog.

Posts: 35084 | Location: Hooterville, OH | Registered: 23 April 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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