Has Achieved Nirvana

| Pork Fat. Yum.  After I had katie, I made rice krispie treats almost every day, and then ate practically the whole pan... It's hard when you're stuck at home with a little one, and refrigerator so close by!  Jodi Day 41 164.5Day 42 163.5 |
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Has Achieved Nirvana

| Hummus is easy to make. Not expensive either. It's basically Garbanzo beans, Tahini (sesame seed paste), lemon juice, and garlic: Hummus recipe Jodi |
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Beatification Candidate

| Thanks for the hummus recipe, I will try it this weekend and get lots of veggies to go with it! Can't wait! Kathy, I've been having eggs and bacon with pears and fresh oj for breakfast and you're right about it making you feel much fuller the rest of the day! Fewer cravings for junk and I last quite a few hours without needing to eat something else. Been randomly doing some of those "Pilates with your baby" excercises I saw in that book. I don't feel or look thinner but I definitely feel my abdominal muscles coming back under the layer of jello. Elena www.duoscarbo.com |
| Posts: 7252 | Location: Vancouver, Canada | Registered: 03 June 2005 |  
Beatification Candidate

| quote: No weight progress here, just a post to get in a midnight board sweep.
OT, you do realize that that comment makes you the Biggest Loser of all.  Jodi, the hummus was a perfect idea as a filler! Between that, the nuts and raisins, the salads and the Big Breakfast, I have been off sugar for 2 days now and feel almost no cravings (note the word *almost*) for granola or chocolate. The hummus is especially filling! But the nice thing is that it helps me eat more veggies, which I don't normally consume outside of salads. |
| Posts: 7252 | Location: Vancouver, Canada | Registered: 03 June 2005 |  
Minor Deity

| Hmmm. The ol' scale says 95 today. Perhaps it's broken, but I ain't fixin' it... |
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Beatification Candidate

| I was bad this evening. Really really REALLY bad. The headache forced me to do it.  Tomorrow I'm back on track. Elena www.duoscarbo.com |
| Posts: 7252 | Location: Vancouver, Canada | Registered: 03 June 2005 |  
Has Achieved Nirvana

| Gads, join the club. I was bad bad bad tonight. And Friday night. Had people over Friday, then had to go to a birthday party tonight. Had wine for the first time since New Years. I don't EVEN want to get on the scale tomorrow. I did go on a 17 mile bike ride on Saturday. And went to jazzercise. And the gym this morning. And rode my horse. Maybe it won't be so bad...  |
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Beatification Candidate

| If only my badness were just a glass of wine or a piece of cake. You see, I had a killer headache yesterday again (had one Sat. as well), undoubtedly from sugar withdrawal. I took a Tylenol expecting it to disappear but it only got worse. After a couple of hours I decided sugar was the only way to get my headache to go away. But I had nothing easy at hand. Hmmmm... Flour, brown sugar, butter, salt, shredded coconut, pears, ginger...hmmm, what can I make... Pear crumble!!!!! So I made a pan. Served myself a bowl, and oh, it was out of this world! my head was still killing me so I ate another bowl, and another, and another... eventually the pan was empty... yep, I ate THE WHOLE THING!  My head was still killing me. A couple of hours later I went into the bathroom and saw the Tylenol tablet I "took" lying on the counter...  I took it "again" and surprise surprise, my headached disappeared. But today I start again. it is now noon and things are still going peachy...  Elena |
| Posts: 7252 | Location: Vancouver, Canada | Registered: 03 June 2005 |  
Has Achieved Nirvana

| I found that once you get the headache, it won't go away until you sleep it off. I had that killer headache for about 4 days starting around 3pm each afternoon. I think you're going to just have to suffer through it. Better yet, instead of making something with added sugar, eat a piece of fresh fruit every couple of hours in the afternoon to try to keep the headache away. (along with a small amount of cheese or peanut butter, or hummus or something, because fat slows the uptake of sugar into your body, I think). I got on the scale this morning, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The scale said 164.  Jodi Day 44 164 |
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Incognito Beatification Candidate

| quote: Originally posted by jodi: ...I got on the scale this morning, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The scale said 164.
I have a friend about your height in Seattle who said she weighed 165. I was shocked. She looked thin. So do you in those pictures from the CG gathering. Have you modern women factored in that you are taller and should weigh more than your moms did when they fretted over seeing 135 at 5'5"? I don't know what the medical pros would say, but you look reasonably thin and so does my friend up your way. Toning is different. We can all do that.  |
| Posts: 6631 | Location: Milky Way Galaxy | Registered: 20 April 2005 |  
Has Achieved Nirvana

| I sat across from someone at lunch today who was eating a large piece of moist dark chocolate cake. It had an almond filling and a thick layer white chocolate ganache with little chocolate swirls in it.  I sat there wimpering silently while eating my spinach salad. Then I came home and had a square of bittersweet chocolate from the baking cabinet. Somehow it wasn't quite the same...   Jodi (that d*mned scale said 165.5 this morning!!! @#$! But somebody told me yesterday that my face looked thinner...  ) |
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Chatty Kathy Beatification Candidate

| I would never do anything to sabotage or discourage Jodi's efforts, but anyone who saw her would never say *there's a person who needs to lose weight.* Having said that, I think she is too smart to go overboard with weight loss and will know when she feels good about her weight. Just remember, Jodi - too much deprivation is what leads to pigging out - snort, snort. Off to eat my soup and salad dinner with healthy olive oil, basalmic vinegar and a luscious sliced avocado on top. |
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