Requiem æternam dona eis [ Eternal rest grant unto them ] lux perpetua luceat eis [ let perpetual light shine upon them ] beloved mom, friend, and teacher, and wife and sister too õun taevasse ülendatud [ apple ascended ] Amamus te; requiescas in pace [we love you; rest in peace]
(Acknowledgement: First two lines Latin Requiem text from Wikipedia Fourth line Estonian text translation by Google Last line Latin translation by the Muffin Clan and ivorythumper Last melodic phrase a quotation from one of Apple's favorite: Psy's GangNam Style)
I never met Mary. I never knew her at all really, but through the magic of the internet I feel as though she was my neighbor and my friend. She shared so much with me - her love of music, her love of art, her love for her family and her extraordinary life history. She shared that with all of us.
Plain and simple, mostly. Unvarnished. The simple joy of a life lived to the fullest - of a life shared with so many others. She spoke eloquently of simple tasks - mowing, cooking, gardening, keeping house, playing music at church. Raising kids, dogs, driving, painting and building. Mostly though, she spoke of people and the joy she found in knowing them, working with them, teaching them, helping them, and each time she did I would resolve to do a better job of each of those things as I conduct my own life.
I never met Mary. Despite that fact she had a profound effect on my life as I daresay she has had on many others. I grieve for those close to her and the pain they must feel on her passing. I grieve for Kim, her children and the people whose lives she touched every day. Hers was a special gift and I pray that the passage of time brings them some solace.
Originally posted by teachum: I rember so many things she said. Like that she would get up after her wifely "duties" and play into the wee hours of the morning. I remember she said her hubbie wooed her with a box of sheet music bought at a garage sale on their first date. She was quite the free spirit before she married too. She actually worked for a bike shop owner in la Jolla that we met up here. Small world.
Posts: 8032 | Location: Idaho | Registered: 20 April 2005
Originally posted by rich galassini: On PW she lost her sign in at some point and reregistered as apple*.
She said the " * " was a kiss.
I was just thinking about that! I'm sitting here crying over a person I never met. I didn't know her at all except through her posts, but in a way, you can know a person better that way sometimes than if you knew them in person.
Sweet, kind, gentle, lovely apple. And she could be a bit feisty when she was of a mood. She was truly one of the originals of this world. You always knew exactly where you stood with her. She really was a remarkable woman. I love her and I miss her.
One of our agreements was that no matter what happened we would always pray for each other. I always have and always will. And I know she did and will do the same for me.