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Discussion Topic  The SAT has gone all digital (in Off Key) by Axtremus
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Endangered languages of New York (in Off Key) by wtg
It's languages day at WTF! ......
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Discussion Topic  The man who tricked Nazi Germany (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Anyone here a modern art expert? Or up for an internet research project? :-) (in Off Key) by Lisa
I bought this set of weird miniature metal chair sculptures a few years ago at a yard sale because I......
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Discussion Topic  Fictional languages (in Off Key) by wtg
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Discussion Topic  Building a wheelchair or walker ramp (in Off Key) by pianojuggler
What would be a good or maximum incline for a ramp for someone using a walker or maybe a wheelchair?......
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Discussion Topic  How about this house? (Tudor edition) (in Off Key) by wtg
In my younger youth I wanted a house of this architectural style...it's in the most "desirable" area......
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Discussion Topic  Herniated Disc (in Off Key) by jodi
My results from the MRI I had on Wednesday. ......
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  12 Feet of snow. Doug? (in Off Key) by Steve Miller
Some 12 feet of snow is forecast for the Sierras through the weekend. Doug, will this storm affect......
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Discussion Topic  Why the stock market was up today (in Off Key) by Doug
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Discussion Topic  Magnet Man (in Off Key) by wtg
What a great idea. ......
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Discussion Topic  Why buy in retiree developments? (in Off Key) by CHAS
Arizona and Florida have developments sold to retired people. Have seen the developments and they ar......
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Discussion Topic  Boiling water to get rid of plastic? (in Off Key) by Daniel
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Discussion Topic  The house hunting thread (in Off Key) by ShiroKuro
Well, our house hunting activities are picking up. We are currently considering (i.e. agonizing over......
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Discussion Topic  Could It Happen to Me? (in Off Key) by Cindysphinx
There’s John Oliver’s recent piece on internet scams, where people are losing hundreds of thousands ......
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Discussion Topic  Alzheimer's - beyond plaques and tangles (in Off Key) by wtg
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Discussion Topic  LOLcritters (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  How will he respond? (in Off Key) by wtg
Smart play by Biden. ......
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Discussion Topic  Iranian threats against former Trump admin officials (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Tornado warnings in February (in Off Key) by wtg
It was in the 70s today. The high for tomorrow will be in the mid-30s. In between there are lots o......
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Discussion Topic  McConnell's last term (in Off Key) by wtg
Stepping down as leader at the end of this year. ......
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Discussion Topic  Sandhill Crane Migration (in Off Key) by big al
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Excellent video on The Sphere (in Off Key) by Mikhailoh
Learned a lot that I did not on our visit. ......
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Discussion Topic  Why you never see a clock in a mall (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Meteor meets volcano (in Off Key) by wtg
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Discussion Topic  That vending machine is watching you (in Off Key) by wtg
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Discussion Topic  Standardized Tests Back in Vogue for “Elite” Schools (in Off Key) by Axtremus
MIT, Dartmouth, and now Yale want standardized tests scores to evaluate applicants: ......
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Discussion Topic  Friendship, Politics, and Morals (in Off Key) by QuirtEvans
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Discussion Topic  Ragtime offer (in Off Key) by RealPlayer
I have this 2-volume hardbound set of Scott Joplin if someone wants them. Vol. 1 is collected piano......
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Discussion Topic  The influence of Beethoven on commercial restroom design (in Off Key) by Steve Miller
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Discussion Topic  Life aboard a nuclear sub (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Schindler's List (in Off Key) by wtg
It's been 30 years. How the film came about, from the people who were involved. A good Sunday long......
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Discussion Topic  House pics that make you wonder about the owners (in Off Key) by wtg
Hmmmm.... ......
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  You think they would have finished (in Off Key) by wtg
If you were getting ready to sell your house and your basement flooded and you had to take out wall......
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Discussion Topic  Dog, Rachmaninoff, lol. (in Off Key) by jodi
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Discussion Topic  LOLcritters (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  The RSV Vaccine works! (in Off Key) by markj
Mrs. Mark picked up a virus and has been miserable, coughing and hacking for over a week now. I tho......
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Discussion Topic  Guess the AI generated article (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  sheesh -they didn’t have to write a damn book about it (in Off Key) by Doug
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Discussion Topic  Meanwhile, in Argentina (in Off Key) by wtg
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Discussion Topic  Ancient DNA (in Off Key) by wtg
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Discussion Topic  A [tennis] star is born (in Off Key) by Daniel
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Discussion Topic  Why is a baker's dozen 13? (in Off Key) by Daniel
Does anyone know?...
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Discussion Topic  RIP Alexei Navalny (in Off Key) by wtg
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Discussion Topic  Dropped your phone in water? Skip the rice (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Pink armadillos (in Off Key) by wtg
Really. ......
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Discussion Topic  All about cholesterol (in Off Key) by wtg
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Discussion Topic  What’s in *your* kitchen? (in Off Key) by Steve Miller
Do you have an egg beater? (The rotary kind or the spring kind) An ice crusher? A meat grinder? (P......
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Discussion Topic  Wavy edge perf on toilet paper (in Off Key) by wtg
I thought it was goofy when it ......
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Discussion Topic  Speaking of dogs, Phil has grown. (in Off Key) by Mary Anna
We have been remiss dog parents, as we have not barraged you with puppy pictures. Here's Phil. He's......
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