Has Achieved Nirvana

| Steve has found some at a liquidators - California or Florida - very expensive to ship (like $400). Now I’m not sure if it’s worth the risk of trying that (what if it’s damaged) or if I should see about putting tile in the kitchen and using some of the kitchen flooring to replace the fireplace room flooring - I’ve talked myself into being able to deal with that, it will be offset from one wall from the fireplace room into the kitchen, but will be even from the dining room into the kitchen. The one thing I can’t do is pull up almost an entire house of good flooring just to make everything match. Way too much work, $$, trouble and waste. --------------------------------
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Has Achieved Nirvana

| We are still, unfortunately, having issue with moisture under a small portion of tile in front the fireplace - and behind the big cabinet next to he fridge - we’ve been running the fireplace (it has a fan) to help with the evaporation (because it heats up the wall) but so far every time I turn it on, it fogs up a little, then dries - I *really* don’t want to have to take the tile out. Ugh. --------------------------------
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Has Achieved Nirvana

| Mr Jodi’s leads did not pan out. Looks like I will have to put something different in the kitchen. --------------------------------
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Minor Deity

|  So sorry you are going through this. Perhaps with insurance money you can replace the floor with something to your liking? -------------------------------- "Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks." MillCityGrows.org
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Minor Deity

| Won't your insurance cover this (minus horrid deduction). And is the fridge co. Taking any responsibility? Any ongoing law suits? I feel so badly for you. -------------------------------- The earth laughs in flowers
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Has Achieved Nirvana

| Insurance will cover it. We hav $2,500 deductible. If it is only slightly over that, we will not claim it - because we had that huge claim about 3 years ago - roof and all the windows on the front of the house to the tune of about $40K. I do not want our rates to go up, and I do not want to risk being dropped by the insurance company. Have a potential lead on some of the discontinued flooring, keep your fingers crossed, just waiting for them to call me back. Also, had a brilliant idea this morning - the office, which is just off the tiled entrance - does not connect to any of the rest of the houses flooring, but it has this flooring. So theoretically we could remove the office flooring, use it to repair the damage and then do something different (the flooring comes in very similar colors - just slightly lighter or darker) in the office. Assuming they can get it out without damaging it. --------------------------------
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Minor Deity

| Ooh, that sounds like a possibility. Yikes, that's a high deductible. I went up from 500 to 1000, as rates went up. -------------------------------- The earth laughs in flowers
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