We just replaced our furnace and a/c after 17 years. The a/c was failing. But it managed to hang on until we replaced it last month (waited 3 months for equipment).
They're coming this morning between 8- 9. I cleaned the house, did the laundry, and moved the furniture away from the vents.
I'm having SO's mother pick me up at 7. We'll have breakfast. She's an amazing cook.
It's kind of hard to explain but I have my work process planned to put the house back together and clean it with maximum efficiency when I get back.
SO went to stay with his mother the minute the AC died. I was invited but declined.
It's been a rough slog through these days with temperatures up to 92 with the temperature outside being cooler than inside by 10 or 11 with no respite until about 7.
I've had to open doors to get a cross breeze, set my fan on high, and avoid the direct sunlight streaming in at various times of the day.
I know it's worth it and so glad the stressful part is over.