Wow and WOW!
Nothing like being YOU whomever that may be (now as for me, that means rocking (sic?) pure white hair for several years now. (If it only weren't for the frizzies that keep me from interesting face framing styles.)
The smiles that go with, complete your Look! Pride and sharing with ones kith.
I've been meaning for a long time to thank you for explaining to us white folks this and other aspects of living black. Referencing my best black friend in Berlin, who informed me as a fellow American (what brought us together in the German boarding house): "Well, if we're colored, all I can say is that makes you colorless". Ouch! All too true, though she wasn't just referring to me!
I'm not proud to admit I haven't had the good fortune of having had black friends growing up to clue me in on their alternate experience. Just how it went. So Cindy, you've helped!
(The same has been true of gay guys and in that regard I've learned tons at WTF about that alternate way of being a person too! One of the best aspects being, how different you all are from one another!)
Of course, one thing most women have in common, at least in their early years, is the handicap of rising ~ an hour earlier than their male compatriots in order to blow dry their hair howsoever and make up.
It's a wonder any women or any color, ever get to run for office later on considering that handicapping start. Yes and no, it's "our choice..."
The most dangerous word in the language is "obvious"