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Discussion Topic  Meanwhile, in Moscow (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Tesla's pigeon (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Goldens in Golden (in Off Key) by wtg
Heaven! ......
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Men Only: Signs you are a Beta Male (in Off Key) by CHAS
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  The Anderson in Trump v. Anderson (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  What to watch (in Off Key) by Jack Frost
Finished Modern Family, which we liked. Started The Bear, but too busy for me. Suggestion?...
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  How’s your BP these days? (in Off Key) by wtg
I’ve continued doing isometric handgrip exercises with good results. Even scored a nifty gizmo call......
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  RIP Charles Osgood (in Off Key) by pianojuggler
He always had the most calm and reassuring voice. We’re running out of really good newspeople. ......
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Haley on SNL (in Off Key) by wtg
Pretty funny. And the guy who played Trump is scary good…”I’d like to say I put the ‘panic’ in ‘His......
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Another internet surprise (in Off Key) by wtg
Wow, the internet can be a magical place of connections. I wrote elsewhere about finding a never be......
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Discussion Topic  Rachmaninoff's Last Living Student ... (in Off Key) by Piano*Dad
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Groundhog Day, an ancient tradition (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  What could possibly go wrong? (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  LOLcritters (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Music Matters (in Off Key) by Bernard
I stumbled upon this YouTube channel yesterday. I think it's the best music focused channel I've eve......
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Vinyl or CD? (in Off Key) by Bernard
... and why? As for me, I'm going back to vinyl. I recently purchased an inexpensive turntable afte......
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Polydactyl human (in Off Key) by wtg
Trying to make up for small hands? ......
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Cool article about fonts (in Off Key) by ShiroKuro
I have always been interested in fonts for some reason. When I used to make teaching materials in Ja......
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Shopping (in Off Key) by wtg
Heat wave here (I think it's 16) so we popped over to Costco. Picked up my new glasses (I can see!!......
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Discussion Topic  Only in Australia ... (in Off Key) by Piano*Dad
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  RIP Chita Rivera (in Off Key) by wtg
Nice segment on tonight’s ABC News. ......
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  The seven laws of pessimism (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Best cheeses of 2023 (in Off Key) by wtg
I tried the Bel Gioso Crescenza-Stracchino; Costco had it a few months back. We thought it was OK, ......
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Discussion Topic  Has Amelia's plane been found? (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Shelter Geek Alert (in Off Key) by Steve Miller
A detailed analysis of kitchen trends by Howzz. The only trend that surprises me is the increase t......
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Discussion Topic  LOLcritters (cat nannies edition) (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Asphalt Art (in Off Key) by Axtremus
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  My Octopus Teacher (in Off Key) by Jack Frost
On Netflix. Incredibly beautiful and moving....
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Discussion Topic  Mississippi Gulf dead zone (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  A single small map (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Modern day train heists (in Off Key) by RealPlayer
I didn’t even get halfway through the article but found it fascinating. Maybe someone can find a wa......
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Recipes - 2024 edition (in Off Key) by wtg
Post your recipes here, either ones on your tryout list, or ones that you have already made and love......
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Discussion Topic  Turns out talk is not cheap (in Off Key) by wtg
$83.3 million awarded to E Jean Carroll....
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Discussion Topic  LAST QUESTION - Prepping for winter, avoiding freezing pipes (in Off Key) by ShiroKuro
Well we're in a different state and different house this year, and it's probably going to be a littl......
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Discussion Topic  School lunches in Italy (in Off Key) by Steve Miller
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Holocaust survivor on Judaism and Zionism (in Off Key) by Daniel
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Discussion Topic  Lovers in Auschwitz (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Liquid metal printing (in Off Key) by wtg
Looks a little rough around the edges, but still it's interesting technology. ......
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Discussion Topic  What kind of burial do you want? (in Off Key) by Daniel
My grandparents bought three burial plots. I asked them why they wanted three burial plots for two p......
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Discussion Topic  Inflation (in Off Key) by Piano*Dad
The Fed watches the price index for Personal Consumption (PCE) quite intensively. For the calendar ......
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Discussion Topic  Behind the curtain... (in Off Key) by wtg
...of the TFG's campaign... ......
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Discussion Topic  Why your pianist friend never answers the phone (in Off Key) by pianojuggler
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  Winter festival in Japan (in Off Key) by wtg
Including a husband-throwing event. ......
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Discussion Topic  The hazards of flying (in Off Key) by wtg
And you thought a missing door plug was a problem.. ......
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Discussion Topic  Some Maine history (in Off Key) by wtg
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Discussion Topic  Nazi Town USA (in Off Key) by Piano*Dad
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Discussion Topic  NH primary (in Off Key) by wtg
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Discussion Topic  Nicki Haley is such a stupe (in Off Key) by Jack Frost
First she forgets that slavery was a cause of the Civil War. Then she says America has never been a ......
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Discussion Topic  Take down that razor wire (in Off Key) by wtg
> well-temperedforum.groupee.net > The Well-Tempered Forum > Off Key

Discussion Topic  The economics of ski resorts (in Off Key) by wtg
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