Somewhere else?

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10 April 2022, 05:36 PM
Somewhere else?
We're starting to think about living somewhere else. Another country.

Two people around 60. Retired. Financially secure.

Not so interested in Central America or South America. I've known a number of people who retired to Costa Rica, but it's starting to sound like too many Americans are retiring there.

My first choice would have been Central or Eastern Europe. I get along with the culture, I can pick up any Slavic language quickly. But I'm not so keen on seeing Russia from my front porch at the moment. And the politics are drifting far to the right.

Mrs pj's first choice would be France. Let's see how the election goes. And I don't know that they'd allow us to be permanent residents.

NZ or Oz might be okay, but I don't think they want foreign retirees.

We like a mild climate. We're not big on sand (dunes or beaches).

Canada? Not Vancouver. The cost of living in Vancouver is pretty steep.

I've known several people who've moved to Thailand. I've only been to Bangkok. I'd like to see more of the country.

Many countries will let you basically buy a permanent residency -- even a passport.

Wherever we are, we might be travelling elsewhere three to six months of the year.

Anyone else pondered this? Any ideas?

pj, citizen-poster, unless specifically noted otherwise.



All types of erorrs fixed while you wait.

10 April 2022, 05:48 PM
Spain? England?

We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love… and then we return home. - Australian Aboriginal proverb


10 April 2022, 05:51 PM
Italian rural villages are basically giving away homes.

"A mob is a place where people go to get away from their conscience" Atticus Finch

10 April 2022, 06:28 PM
I see Portugal also comes up in a lot of "best countries to retire to" lists.

We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love… and then we return home. - Australian Aboriginal proverb


10 April 2022, 06:40 PM
Central Highlands of Mexico?
A lot of people like it.
I don't find myself drawn to it.

Several people have eaten my cooking and survived.

10 April 2022, 09:56 PM
Steve Miller
I also wanted to retire to Portugal. Inexpensive, seaside, EU, stable government, great food, connections to everywhere.

Ended up in Ohio, gateway to Indiana.

Life is short. Play with your dog.

11 April 2022, 08:20 AM
Portugal sounds ideal, for what you want. Or maybe the south of England.
11 April 2022, 09:04 AM
Mary Anna
A high school classmate of mind is at this moment touring Spain with his husband, looking for a retirement spot. The photos on Facebook are amazing. They may also be visiting Portugal.

An ex-brother-in-law of mine moved to Costa Rica after he and my ex-sister-in-law divorced. He had always loved it there, he spoke the language, the cost-of-living is low. When he got cancer, he moved back to the US. I'm not sure it was because he felt he couldn't get good care. I don't know about Costa Rica, but I have a very good friend from Panama and she has paid into their retirement system so that, if everything in the US goes belly-up, she can move back there and have an income and free health care. I think a lot of countries have health care systems that compete with and/or beat Medicare. I just think he moved back home to be near family when he was sick. He was very happy in Costa Rica, and one of his kids visited a lot and may have moved there.

As for us, we don't have your background with languages, but we have considered Ireland and Canada. It's not that we wouldn't be willing, and probably able, to learn a language. It's just disconcerting to think of being unable to navigate easily for quite some time while we were learning and, of course, we wouldn't have all that many years left to do so. There are, of course, expatriate communities and countries where English is widely spoken, but those options feel a bit "Ugly American"-ish.

Mary Anna Evans

11 April 2022, 09:17 AM
Read a post from the Recumbent trikes FB page yesterday. There were questions about how to carry "protection" on a trike.
The discussion continues with the different ways people carry their pistols while riding the streets and bike paths.
That makes me more inclined to get out of here.

Several people have eaten my cooking and survived.

11 April 2022, 09:19 AM
Thought briefly about the west coast of Ireland, up around Galway Bay. Fairly inexpensive at that point (post financial crisis). Mild climate -- no winter to speak of. But lots of clouds and rain. It's very green, you know!