About this time every year, the Student Government Association requests that the university declare a holiday on the day before the Texas game.
You know...because it would be utterly impossible to drive three hours after class on Fridays and still have the full pre-pre-party before Saturday morning's pre-party and Saturday night's (hopefully) victory party and Sunday's post-party brunch before they drag themselves back up here.
I've had students in Thursday afternoon and evening class expect me to cancel class so that they can commence with a pre-pre-pre-party. I'm not necessary a fire-breathing dragon of academic rigor, but I thought that was excessive. We had class.
Anyway, the Student Government Association requested yesterday that this traditional-but-not-guaranteed holiday be moved to Election Day. Bear in mind that the Texas game may not happen, but it hasn't been canceled yet. This year, the students thought it was more important to vote than to have an extra day to party.
I think that's commendable.