So, maybe I’m naive… why did every Democrat in the house vote to dethrone him? Was it because they didn’t like him or were they casting their votes with the extremists to help the GOP sink further into dysfunction?
The story ... which I believe ... is that he wasn't trustworthy. For example, when the Dems asked for 90 minutes to review the CR, which they hadn't seen before, he told the whole world that the Dems were trying to kill it. He also didn't ask for their help or offer them anything in exchange for it.
I've read that as well, Quirt - and like you, I believe it. The article I read also pointed out that in private meetings with Biden or other groups, McCarthy would comment on how "with it" and engaged Biden was, then turn around and spout the MAGA line about old and feeble to the press or social media. So yeah, untrustworthy.
Posts: 35428 | Location: West: North and South! | Registered: 20 April 2005
Or a conservative Republican of the old-fashioned sane type who believes in compromise and governing from the center, relying on Democrats to defang the extremists.
The Democrats were absolutely right to let Kevin get his butt kicked. No one wanted to work with such a duplicitous, mendacious, toady.
At this point I don't there there are any GOP House members willing to stand for election to speaker relying on cross-party buy-in.
Posts: 12759 | Location: Williamsburg, VA | Registered: 19 July 2005