I have a job interview on Wed.
20 June 2019, 09:30 AM
Steve MillerI have a job interview on Wed.
Sounds great!

Life is short. Play with your dog.
20 June 2019, 11:08 AM
NinaGreat news! I hope it works out.
Re: the Atlantic article, I read it and found myself nodding to a lot of it. I'm in a fairly specialized niche and have been able to remain employed due to that. But I am also aware that this job is likely my last--not so much because I would retire but because no one will hire me, at my age, to do my job (even though I'm doing it now). My general job field has a shiny new label ("data science"), which means that there are new grads with degrees in it, and no chance that an old geezette like me could have possibly kept up with this "new" field. (News flash: yes, I do keep up, and the field isn't new). Anyway, it is kind of depressing, but I don't wish I were dead.

20 June 2019, 11:47 AM
Mary AnnaI was very, very lucky to get the job I have. Most similar jobs are filled with younger people by English departments hoping to hire the next hot thing. I was lucky enough to be looking for a job in the year that a department who was open to what I had to offer had an opening. I'll be up for tenure in two years and I'm well-positioned for that but it's never a slam-dunk. I'm pretty sure that this is the last job I'll ever have, so I'll work until I'm 70 or so if I get it, but I'll retire at 60 if I don't.
I can keep writing books indefinitely, although the circumstances of that could shift. My publisher sold itself to a bigger publisher, which then sold 45% of itself to the biggest publisher there is. This could mean a sharp increase in sales. It could also mean that my contract gets cut. Who knows?
I could keep writing even without a publisher, but the self-pub business is hard and I could end up spending a year on a book nobody ever reads. This does not sound appealing at this stage of my life.
Fortunately, I don't have that my-life-is-over feeling about retiring. Quirt and I have things to do and places to go. As long as I'm reasonably healthy, I expect to be reasonably happy.
20 June 2019, 02:56 PM
Mary AnnaBeelady, did they say when you could expect to hear?
24 June 2019, 07:48 PM
BeeLadyI have been asked to come back for a second round with the entire team. They are working out a time that is best for all.

"Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks."
24 June 2019, 08:00 PM
ShiroKuroAwesome!!! Super positive development!!
24 June 2019, 08:00 PM
MikhailohYer in!
"A mob is a place where people go to get away from their conscience" Atticus Finch
24 June 2019, 09:10 PM
Mary AnnaAwesome!!!!!!
24 June 2019, 11:58 PM
AdagioMSounds very promising. Sending good vibes!
25 June 2019, 12:06 AM
Steve Millerquote:
Originally posted by BeeLady:
I have been asked to come back for a second round with the entire team. They are working out a time that is best for all.

Life is short. Play with your dog.
25 June 2019, 03:35 AM
jon-nycVery cool!
If you think looting is bad wait until I tell you about civil forfeiture.
26 June 2019, 08:34 PM
BeeLadyTomorrow, 1pm.
I am so nervous! I do not want to take anything for granted...
"Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks."
26 June 2019, 08:38 PM
ShiroKuroI don’t have any advice for you. I totally get your feeling nervous though!
I guess my only advice would be, don’t bother with trying not to be nervous. You’re gonna be nervous, and that’s ok. You’re nervous because you care, and because you’re human. Those are both very good things.
Other than that, if it helps you, think back over some talking points, practicing saying them out loud, that sort of thing.
We are all pulling for you!!!!
26 June 2019, 08:38 PM
jon-nycBreak a leg! You'll do great.
If you think looting is bad wait until I tell you about civil forfeiture.
26 June 2019, 08:45 PM
BeeLadyThanks all..
Timely, probably why I am so nervous...
We had an especially painful layoff today at work..

"Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks."