26 November 2019, 12:01 AM
AxtremusFrozen II (movie)
Overall entertainment value: OK
Story / Plot: OK
Imagination: OK
The tenets behind the mythology, the logic behind the magic: rather silly, but it's a children's film, so OK.
Animation/3D/CGI innovation: competently done, but not really seeing any breakthrough innovation (maybe one exception below)
Music / soundtrack: OK. It looks like they tried very hard to push a few power ballads, but the songs themselves just do not really move me
Moral of the story: "Do the right thing" as opposed to Disney's (and most animated features') trite and true "be yourself" formula, I suppose that qualifies as "something different"
Character development: It's sequel, and hasn't really developed the characters much beyond what's already established in the original; I think they botched it a bit by making Anna too neurotic at times
Elsa's outfits: FABULOUS. Surreal yet not too surreal, Elsa's magical outfits in Frozen II are absolutely beautiful and is the one transcendental aspect of this film. If there is innovation in animation technology in this film, I'd say it's in making Elsa's magical outfits flow with such grace and elegance in every scene no matter how Elsa moves about. Whoever designed those outfits are geniuses, who ever framed the shots featuring those magical outfits are geniuses, who ever animated and came up with the algorithms to animate those outfits are also geniuses.
26 November 2019, 03:13 AM
Steve MillerDude. You are not the target audience.
26 November 2019, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by Steve Miller:
Dude. You are not the target audience.

Steve, I don't know about that. I always thought Disney was for everyone...

26 November 2019, 09:10 AM
ShiroKuroAlso, reading Ax's review makes me want to see it, so that's saying something!

26 November 2019, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by Steve Miller:
Dude. You are not the target audience.

I would totally watch it, I am a sucker for Disney movies. Still love The Little Mermaid.
26 November 2019, 10:50 AM
CHASAx is going to get me to the movies more. That is a good thing.