More family stories...and putting testing in perspective...
Instead of thinking they lost the race against the virus, Frenck encouraged people to redefine their concept of winning. "It's not that you failed," he said. "You actually succeeded. You dodged the bullet. . . . What are people trying to prevent? Are we trying to prevent the common cold? Nobody's going to do that. You've gotten your booster, you've done everything, and you still get covid, but how sick did you get?"
For most infected people with vaccines, he said, "What they're having is a cold."
People misunderstand what the vaccine is designed to do, Frenck said, adding that unvaccinated people are dying at a rate 20 times higher than people who are vaccinated and boosted. "Vaccines are going to stop people from being hospitalized and from ending up in the ICU and from dying," he said. "This is nature saying, it hasn't gone away now, and we need to go out and get vaccinated."
But even if people are not feeling very sick, it can be hard to come to terms with a positive result after all the time and effort spent keeping the virus at bay.