Will you get the vaccine?
18 November 2020, 11:59 AM
pianojugglerWill you get the vaccine?
So, if one of the vaccines becomes available to you, will you get it?
The Pfizer one? The Moderna one? Whichever one is available to you first? Both???
Would you get Sputnik if it were available to you?
pj, citizen-poster, unless specifically noted otherwise.
All types of erorrs fixed while you wait.
18 November 2020, 12:06 PM
Piano*DadI will take any vaccine that comes through the process with a recognized 90+% effectiveness along with no worse than the usual bad side effects ... like soreness at the injection site and mild symptoms like fever (which I rarely get). My wife would likely get the vaccine long before me, however. She sees patients. I don't.
18 November 2020, 12:07 PM
DougBeing a geezer, I feel like I’m in a sweet spot. In addition to the phase 3 trials, I will have millions of essential Frontline workers in front of me in line. Which will make me more comfortable getting the vaccine myself, but I won’t have to wait back at the end of line with all you whippersnappers…
And I would get whichever one is approved at the time. I’m guessing not Sputnik...
18 November 2020, 12:10 PM
CHASThis geezer will be watching for news of the health workers ahead of me dropping like flies before I get in line.
Several people have eaten my cooking and survived.
18 November 2020, 12:21 PM
Steve MillerI'll get a vaccine just as soon as one becomes available to me - either one.
Probably not Sputnik.
Life is short. Play with your dog.
18 November 2020, 12:27 PM
wtgI'm pretty much where Doug and Chas are. I'll get the vaccine but do not need to be first in line to get it.
As for which vaccine.... I have a bunch of geeky science friends and they're able to give reasoned analysis of the various vaccines, so I'll probably ask them if one of the vaccines stands out as a better/safer candidate than the rest.
I think I'll skip Sputnik for now...
When the world wearies and society ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden - Minnie Aumônier
18 November 2020, 01:17 PM
pianojugglerI'm not quite to geezerdom, but I'm about the same as above. Let some others go first and see if there are some unexpected side effects... there probably will be since the testing program is so compressed.
BTW, I find it very interesting that the Russians named their vaccine "Sputnik". It means "traveler" or "voyager". It was a perfectly sensible name for a satellite. A vaccine? Not so much.
pj, citizen-poster, unless specifically noted otherwise.
All types of erorrs fixed while you wait.
18 November 2020, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by pianojuggler:
BTW, I find it very interesting that the Russians named their vaccine "Sputnik". It means "traveler" or "voyager". It was a perfectly sensible name for a satellite. A vaccine? Not so much.
Well, a virus sure is a traveler ...

18 November 2020, 01:45 PM
BeeLadyLike most of you, I, too, will be watching what happens with the first round of vaccines.
If all goes well, I will be taking any of them except for Sputnik.

"Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks."
18 November 2020, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Piano*Dad:
Originally posted by pianojuggler:
BTW, I find it very interesting that the Russians named their vaccine "Sputnik". It means "traveler" or "voyager". It was a perfectly sensible name for a satellite. A vaccine? Not so much.
Well, a virus sure is a traveler ...
Maybe then it should have been преследователь - "follower" or охотник - "chaser" (or "hunter"). How about попутчик? That's "fellow traveler" (in the political sense).
pj, citizen-poster, unless specifically noted otherwise.
All types of erorrs fixed while you wait.
18 November 2020, 01:58 PM
jodiI want to know what the level of antibodies you still need to have (after having the disease) to fight it off - and where the point is that you should be vaccinated.
18 November 2020, 02:06 PM
wtgTiters. Hadn't thought about that.
We used to have the dogs tested before re-vaccinating for distemper and parvo.
When the world wearies and society ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden - Minnie Aumônier
18 November 2020, 02:09 PM
jodiAs a vet, we got vaccinated for rabies - and I think I remember being checked to see if I needed to be vaccinated again.
18 November 2020, 02:10 PM
jodiI half listened to a news story this morning talking about a group of people (who had Covid) who “had enough antibodies” to fight the virus off again, but they never gave a number. So I have no idea if Steve and my levels are high enough or not.
18 November 2020, 02:12 PM
wtgA vet told me years ago she was vaccinated when she first went to vet school. She got bitten by a dog in the clinic some years later, and they just automatically re-vaccinated her. When she got bitten again some time after that, they wanted to vaccinate her again automatically and she told them to stuff it until they ran a titer.
She was fine and didn't need a booster.
We would have checked rabies titers for the dogs, but most municipalities don't want to bother and just want you to vaccinate at least every three years.
When the world wearies and society ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden - Minnie Aumônier