02 November 2020, 08:56 AM
QuirtEvansSeven Pennsylvania Counties ...
Won't start counting absentee ballots until after Election Day.
If Biden doesn't win NC or AZ safely, we're in for a rough ride.
https://twitter.com/VotingNews...222287529603074?s=2002 November 2020, 10:25 AM
Steve Miller"Concerns over staffing".

02 November 2020, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by QuirtEvans:
we're in for a rough ride.
That was always the plan.
02 November 2020, 11:09 AM
LisaPennsylvania is stupid - by law no one is allowed to open any mail in ballots or count anything before the morning of election day. There's no early voting either*, so all in person voting happens between 7am and 8pm on election day -- certainly this year you can pretty much count on lines out the door at every polling place all day long. I could see why election staffing would be an issue - they're going to need all hands on deck at the polling places.
There was some legal wrangling trying to get approval to open the ballots and start counting (or at least open and get them ready to count) before election day but nothing came of it because the legislature is republican-held and still pissed off that they had to redistrict after their gerrymandering got struck down by the courts and they are doing everything they can to suppress the vote.
This whole mess is the reason I am braving the lines to vote in person - I have zero faith that PA will be done counting by the time the electors have to be declared -- gonna be a hot mess here for a while!
*Slight clarification - this year, our county made a big deal of how there were a few election offices open to early vote and I was all excited and planned to go.....but as it turns out, all they were allowed to do was hand you a mail in ballot, help you fill it out if you needed assistance, then put it all nice and sealed up into the mail in ballot pile that gets counted on/after election day.....so really no different than mail in balloting and takes just as long to count. What a crock.