AI detects suicide attempts ...

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09 November 2019, 09:44 AM
AI detects suicide attempts ...
... from halfway across the globe:

The Chinese suicides prevented by AI from afar
Li Fan, a 21-year-old student, attempted suicide after posting a brief message on the Chinese Twitter-like platform Weibo just after Valentine's Day.
Some 8,000km (5,000 miles) away from his university in Nanjing, his post was detected by a program running on a computer in Amsterdam.
It flagged the message, prompting volunteers from different parts of China into action.
When they were unable to rouse Mr Li from afar, they reported their concerns to local police, who eventually saved him.
It might sound extraordinary but this was just one of many such success for the Tree Hole Rescue team.
The initiative's founder is Huang Zhisheng, a senior artificial intelligence (AI) researcher at the Free University Amsterdam.

www.PianoRecital.org -- my piano recordings -- China Tune album

09 November 2019, 10:24 AM

Smiler Jodi