They got married!
15 August 2020, 04:04 AM
rontunerThey got married!
Our daughter and her fiance had destination wedding plans for August 14th - their shared birthday. Covid got in the way of those plans, but they decided a few weeks ago to make it happen near their current location.
It was delightful - the weather cooperated - the forecast was calling for rain yesterday, but we had a great mix of sun and clouds. We shared it with family and friends from an overlook in the Georgia mountains near where they are renting a remote cabin during this portion of the pandemic. The video should still be available - be aware we started it early, so the ceremony starts about 15 minutes after the video begins streaming.
https://www.meganandbogumil.com/15 August 2020, 05:59 AM
LLHappy for you, and best wishes to them!
The earth laughs in flowers
15 August 2020, 07:16 AM
15 August 2020, 07:42 AM
AmandaMazel Tov! You can only wait so long. Reminds me of my parents' generation which produced so many courthouse marriages right after WWII ended.
Only nowadays, thanks to ZOOM, a dream wedding can be shared with one and all without even having to feed the crowd.
I guess the only casualty is the wedding gifts!
The most dangerous word in the language is "obvious"
15 August 2020, 08:32 AM
jon-nycExcellent! Congratulations!
If you think looting is bad wait until I tell you about civil forfeiture.
15 August 2020, 08:34 AM
Rob, I’m so sorry that they weren’t able to do it the way they originally planned, but I hope this joyful day will live in their hearts, and yours, as perfect in every way.
15 August 2020, 08:43 AM
AmandaAnd what a wonderfully done wedding site, featuring incredibly beautiful people in glorious settings.
They certainly seem well matched, and after six years of shared adventure, they must surely know it to the bottom of their hearts!
(Why are there no heart emoticons??)
The most dangerous word in the language is "obvious"
15 August 2020, 09:11 AM
15 August 2020, 09:24 AM
Piano*DadCongrats to the young couple. Every wedding is a story. This one will be memorable!
15 August 2020, 10:16 AM
pianojuggler Mazel tov!
pj, citizen-poster, unless specifically noted otherwise.
All types of erorrs fixed while you wait.
15 August 2020, 10:30 AM
jodiWhat a spectacular setting. Loved reading their story! Congratulations!
15 August 2020, 10:32 AM
wtgSo happy for them! What a great, uplifting story in these difficult times...

When the world wearies and society ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden - Minnie Aumônier
15 August 2020, 10:56 AM
big alCongratulations and best wishes. It was a lovely wedding ceremony at a marvelous location. I especially enjoyed seeing the two hawks that circled in the background during the ceremony. It seemed auspicious to me.
The Appalachian Mountains are among my favorite places on earth and I really like the long vistas such as they chose for the wedding. I have one child who lives north of Atlanta and another in North Carolina and two of my children went to college in the south (Georgia Tech and Florida Atlantic U.) so I've had occasion to travel through the Blue Ridge, Great Smokies and surrounding mountain ranges many times. It never gets old.
Big Al
Money seems to buy the most happiness when you give it away.
Why does everything have to be so complicated, all in the name of convenience. -ShiroKuro
A lifetime of experience will change a person. If it doesn't, then you're already dead inside. -MarkJ
15 August 2020, 01:09 PM
15 August 2020, 01:11 PM
rontunerThe hawks were a touch of magic - right as the officiant was talking about rings, the hawks came circling in to view. They have been to that spot many times and never seen hawks come so close!