03 August 2022, 05:53 PM
NannaWho has two thumbs and a shiny new hip?
Yep. Sounds familiar. I am older than you, but a future second surgery didn't sound all that appealing to me either. I miss the competition, but not enough yet. No pain is a nice change. Good luck with your recovery!
23 August 2022, 08:16 PM
Jack FrostYay, buts what’s with two thumbs?
24 August 2022, 12:35 AM
AmandaOne brother has had three hip joint replacements.
One of them turned out to be made of an unsafe material (some kind of ceramic? not sure).
Anyhow, it was found to sort of give off splinters of that material when in use (and they could go who knows where?). It had to be replaced, of course.
There was a class action suit against the manufacturer, and the patients won. (He won't tell me how much they gave him, but I gather it was a pretty penny).
28 September 2022, 02:31 PM
I'm two months post-op, and it's going pretty well. I got lucky and found a really good PT, who challenged me and understood that I was willing to work hard to make progress. I finished PT last week, and he said he had never had a hip replacement patient who progressed as quickly as I did. Yeah, sure, some of that is just that I'm on the young side, but some of it is that I was in good shape to begin with. I'm glad I didn't wait until I was infirm.
I went out yesterday to test the hip for tennis. I hit some serves (badly, I might add). And I did some "drop feeding" where I just tossed a ball into the air and hit it. The hip is good except it does not feel good on the backhand side. The two-handed backhand requires rotation, and the hip doesn't like it yet.
The biggest negative is that it is an ordeal to put on a pair of socks. I can't get that figure 4 position you need to easily put on socks and shoes -- I'm about six inches short. I'm trying to stretch for outward rotation, but I don't know if I'll ever get there. Without a figure 4, I have to sit in a very low chair and hang my body between my legs, or just do a front fold from a standing position and hope my hamstrings aren't too tight.
But hey. I can walk for an hour. I can do stairs with no trouble. I can walk upright instead of bent over. And I no longer take NSAIDs to get through the day. All in all, it's a win.
Bonus: I've been doing A LOT of walking, usually 30-60 minutes a day, often after meals. And I've lost weight without trying. I'm surprised that just walking results in weight loss.
Cindy -- who looks quite fetching in a swimsuit with the unexpected weight loss
28 September 2022, 03:27 PM
Steve MillerThat’s fantastic, Cindy!
Really glad it’s working out for you!

28 September 2022, 03:39 PM
DougGood to hear. Particularly since I’m guessing this is in my future also.
I think we need photo evidence of your opinion of your swimsuit, however…
28 September 2022, 03:52 PM
wtgI know what a difference being pain-free and mobile has been for Mr wtg; you must be over the top.
28 September 2022, 04:08 PM
rontunerIt might feel like giving up, but those sock assist thingees really do work...
At least until you gain a bit more flexibility!
Even though PT it over, it's a good idea to keep working on strength and flexibility - I saw continued improvements even after a full year.
28 September 2022, 04:45 PM
DanielGood for you!
28 September 2022, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by rontuner:
It might feel like giving up, but those sock assist thingees really do work...
At least until you gain a bit more flexibility!
Even though PT it over, it's a good idea to keep working on strength and flexibility - I saw continued improvements even after a full year.
Oh, I am definitely continuing with exercises. My operative side is not as strong as the other side, and I need that for sports.
Meant to mention . . . the hip sets off metal detectors at airports. This means I sometimes have to join the line for a manual groping.
28 September 2022, 05:15 PM
ShiroKuroGreat news Cindy!!
28 September 2022, 05:33 PM
rontunerWith 2 new hips and a new knee, I don't even try to go through the metal detectors anymore. I let them know right away and either line up for groping or go to the "put your hands over your head machine".