03 January 2021, 01:27 PM
wtgFor bread bakers
Love the concept; I've made recipes like this in the past and they've been quite successful. I like the idea of the Lodge cast iron skillet with a lid instead of an enameled Le Crueset-type pan. I'm always worried about chipping the enamel on those.
https://www.wired.com/story/ra...t-iron-combo-cooker/I checked a few sites and it looks like the pan is out of stock at most of the usual suspects....
03 January 2021, 01:46 PM
Steve MillerMy Mom used to make bread and biscuits outdoors in a cast iron dutch oven. I still have it, along with the lid that has a lip on it to hold coals.
I never thought about using it in the kitchen oven.