Virginia Statistics on COVID ...

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27 August 2021, 01:47 PM
Virginia Statistics on COVID ...
by vaccination status

Explosive case growth among unvaccinated. Such a shock. Surprising little in the way of serious breakthrough infection (leading to hospitalization or death).

27 August 2021, 02:38 PM
But Tucker and the preacher said....

Several people have eaten my cooking and survived.

27 August 2021, 11:25 PM
Hopefully, once the fact of the Covid fabrications and media manipulations hit home (and they will) it will plant a seed - eventually, a crop - into the same people's willingness to believe what the same sources tell them about everything.

Including the elections.

That is, unless someone starts a giant myth about the Dems having some kind of nefarious plot to plant these doubts into the hearts of decent god-fearing men and women.

The most dangerous word in the language is "obvious"

28 August 2021, 12:19 PM
I've been slammed at work so I haven't been paying super close attention, but one thing that strikes me is that after several weeks of 100%+ increases in COVID cases, we're now seeing "only" about a 30% increase (2 week lookback) and now the % deaths are increasing. I'm not sure what to make of that, but here's my non-informed theory:

1. The delta variant drove the increase (in unvax'ed primarily) and it's had its first wave of infection through that community.
2. Those who have been able to survive the infection have, and now the uptick in deaths is due to the folks who spent several weeks in the hospital/ICU (or at home) but ultimately didn't survive.

The biostat guy here at our local teaching university (OHSU) has said for some time that delta will help us achieve herd immunity because it's so contagious. A large number of unvaxxed will get it, survive with antibodies, and join the group of fully vaxxed. Unfortunately there are still two big problems: 1) a large number of unvaxxed will die, and 2) we are seeing the overwhelming run on hospitals/ICUs. Both of those are preventable. Ugh.
29 August 2021, 12:54 PM
Why Oregon struggles with the surge

An interesting article. It tells me that the COVID statistics need to be read in context. It also tells me that the public health models we were using pre-vax didn't take into account the idiotic fact that most people would refuse the vax. Gaaaah.

It's complicated. As an aside, one of the reasons (though not the only one) that Multnomah County's numbers are so high is that it receives the worst cases from smaller counties.
29 August 2021, 01:10 PM
Loved the part about medical staff dealing with the stress by smashing dinner plates.

“It's hard to win an argument with a smart person. It's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person." -- Bill Murray