Wow! This IS good news - hoping it's not just for Senegal

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01 February 2022, 02:56 PM
Wow! This IS good news - hoping it's not just for Senegal
Who's have thought any country, Senegal or other, could make a killing. recycling plastic?

Don't know how this breakthrough could have escaped being headlined big-time before now.

Hating plastic (and styrofoam and other such disposable packaging and products) as I do, this is excellent news - though sadly, and oddly, not so much for the waste pickers of Senegal themselves.

The NYTimes posts related links at the bottom of items, and it looks like this isn't the only improved news about plastic (though there's still plenty of bad news about it too - did you know that on average we Americans use over 100 lbs. of single-use plastic products annually?)
Recycled plastic is making big bucks in Senegal

(If only they could collect all the plastic clogging the oceans and the creatures who live in and around it - oh, those ghastly photographs of their exploded guts!)

Oh, well, they can't collect ALL of it, but at least enough to make me feel I'm not just engaging in a "feel good" charade when I put out my recycling bin every week.

The most dangerous word in the language is "obvious"

01 February 2022, 03:02 PM

The most dangerous word in the language is "obvious"