I've been fascinated with the idea of a space elevator since I read Arthur C. Clarke's The Fountains of Paradise. It's a novel about an engineer who designs and spearheads the construction of a space elevator at Sri Lanka. (They have to be tethered to a geosynchronous satellite, and Sri Lanka is one of the places on land where that can be accomplished.)
At 9000 feet water boils at 195F. My home is just below that. The air is thinner. Doctors have questioned why I have not moved to a lower altitude due to asthma. I reply that at around 10,500 I become supercharged and have skied up to huts at 11,400 feet leaving the others far behind. They don't have an answer. I should be an astronaut.
-------------------------------- Several people have eaten my cooking and survived.
Posts: 25850 | Location: Still living at 9000 feet in the High Rockies of Colorado | Registered: 20 April 2005