24 June 2022, 09:10 AM
DanielEdwin Black, "War Against the Weak," book lecture
https://youtu.be/dfPTaBlheGAFascinating history of Eugenics in Victorian England and in the US. I've little doubt he'll talk about Germany next.
The extent of what happened in the US alone is mind-boggling.
I've got to run. I have a doctor's appointment. But I listened to 15 min. And will definitely finish it.
Highly recommended.
24 June 2022, 04:01 PM
DanielHe stops speaking at 28:30. I decided not to listen to the question and answer section.
I basically knew this information (there were things I definitely learned).
Brilliant lecture. It must be a great book.
24 June 2022, 04:06 PM
DanielEdit-- nobody had any questions so he decided to keep speaking. Now I'll listen to the rest without comment...
24 June 2022, 06:22 PM
markjIdea's so "progressive", they're actually fascist. Or, when left meets right and they become one and the same.
Eugenics, Genocide, and torture, are of the most disgusting mindsets and actions of humans.
24 June 2022, 10:21 PM
DanielYes, I noticed this. They called themselves "progressives."