Today I saw...
11 December 2014, 04:08 AM
BeeLadyToday I saw...
Earlier this week in Honduras..after the pinata had broken open.

"Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks."
13 December 2014, 12:35 PM
Steve MillerCandy chaos!

Life is short. Play with your dog.
14 December 2014, 06:32 PM
BeeLadyAt the mall yesterday...All I can think is that the mall Santa has a sweet ride?

"Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks."
14 December 2014, 08:32 PM
Steve MillerI don't know what it is but I am pretty sure I want one.

Life is short. Play with your dog.
14 December 2014, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Steve Miller:
I don't know what it is but I am pretty sure I want one.
We were not sure either..But turns out it is a three wheeled motorcycle...at least it has a mc license...
Polaris Slingshot
"Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks."
28 December 2014, 10:10 AM
rontunerI've been trying to get out for a morning walk most days each week... Here's from this morning, seeing the berries still on the trees as ornaments.
11 January 2015, 05:21 PM
BeeLadyYesterday, I had a meeting (more on that later

) very near Bernard.
After my morning meeting I drove a bit further to meet Bernard in the middle.
We spent the afternoon visiting the local downtown and artisans and antique shops..We both succumbed to pottery.
I parked my car and he drove me around local towns. Ever present were the view of the turbines...I happen to love them.
"Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks."
11 January 2015, 08:02 PM
BernardThe turbines are a presence here. You either love them or don't. I like them.
Pottery. I picked up a pair of massive "grail" goblets. It was either that or a pair of "orgy" goblets but I don't see one of those in my near future, so I opted for the "grail".
12 January 2015, 08:34 PM
LLGood for 'red wine'?
Love those colors
The earth laughs in flowers
18 January 2015, 06:16 PM
BeeLadyDropped off some books today at the local Little Free Library.
The box is the same color as the house.
"Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks."
19 January 2015, 10:51 AM
RealPlayerFound this ~8 foot tall homemade lawn ornament, south shore of Staten Island
“It's hard to win an argument with a smart person. It's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person." -- Bill Murray
19 January 2015, 11:05 AM
Bet the neighbors are thrilled!

The earth laughs in flowers
19 January 2015, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by LL:
Bet the neighbors are thrilled!
I'm sure all is forgiven as long as you also hang a big American flag. (see photo)
Oh, dear, I just discovered the second, smaller robot next to the flag.

“It's hard to win an argument with a smart person. It's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person." -- Bill Murray
21 January 2015, 10:05 AM
big alI love those Iron Men. The boring sameness of a lot of neighborhoods could use a little more eccentricity.
Big Al
Money seems to buy the most happiness when you give it away.
Why does everything have to be so complicated, all in the name of convenience. -ShiroKuro
A lifetime of experience will change a person. If it doesn't, then you're already dead inside. -MarkJ
25 January 2015, 04:02 PM
BeeLadyLOVE the tin men.

Snow shoeing today..
We visited a place I took Rustyfingers to some years ago..I think it was on their first ever Geocaching trip. It is called "The Cow Tunnel" as it was built by a farmer so his cows could move between the pasture and the barn without crossing the busy road..
Judging from the foot prints we found, it seems the deer like to use it now.
And the way to the tunnel...
"Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks."