Today I saw...
08 December 2013, 07:28 PM
rontunerToday I saw...
Warm ups for our last holiday concert today. Tuned the piano first. (of course a treble string broke!) Really turned out great this year!
09 December 2013, 01:30 AM
Originally posted by rustyfingers:
Originally posted by Amanda:
A WONDERFUL picture.
I suggest it as a happy holiday card, boxed. Non-sectarian, seasonal, lovely.
Not bad for a quick pic with my iPhone!
09 December 2013, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by AdagioM:
Originally posted by rustyfingers:
Originally posted by Amanda:
A WONDERFUL picture.
I suggest it as a happy holiday card, boxed. Non-sectarian, seasonal, lovely.
NoIf t bad for a quick pic with my iPhone!
IIRC This is one of several brilliant photos you've produced with what I assume is that same phone.
Are they ALL that technically capable? Is this an Apple?
And what are the camera specs - resolution, focal range, Never mind. Just read up on the so-called iSIGHT camera which comes with the Apple 5 [s]iPHONE and all I can say is "WOW!" WHAT features!
http://www.apple.com/iphone-5s...cf-bae8-ac29dc39d71e (near the end of the ad)
Is that what you're using? Except for pros, who needs a separate camera with a phone camera like this? Wondering about an iPhone from a new POV. Glad I haven't yet bought a new camera (as I was just about to do).
Wondering if using the camera a lot would somehow adds to the monthly data charge (which would change the calcs). How much DO they cost/month? Guessing the rates are tiered.
The most dangerous word in the language is "obvious"
09 December 2013, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by Amanda:
Originally posted by AdagioM:
Originally posted by rustyfingers:
Originally posted by Amanda:
A WONDERFUL picture.
I suggest it as a happy holiday card, boxed. Non-sectarian, seasonal, lovely.
NoIf t bad for a quick pic with my iPhone!
IIRC This is one of several brilliant photos you've produced with what I assume is that same phone.
Are they ALL that technically capable? Is this an Apple?
And what are the camera specs - resolution, focal range, Never mind. Just read up on the so-called iSIGHT camera which comes with the Apple 5 [s]iPHONE and all I can say is "WOW!" WHAT features!
http://www.apple.com/iphone-5s...cf-bae8-ac29dc39d71e (near the end of the ad)
Is that what you're using? Except for pros, who needs a separate camera with a phone camera like this? Wondering about an iPhone from a new POV. Glad I haven't yet bought a new camera (as I was just about to do).
Wondering if using the camera a lot would somehow adds to the monthly data charge (which would change the calcs). How much DO they cost/month? Guessing the rates are tiered.
I have an iPhone5; it's last year's model. It has a surprisingly decent camera! Using the camera doesn't affect data, unless you post the pictures somewhere using data.
I have a nicer camera for product photography (knitting) but usually I just have my phone with me when I'm out and about. The best camera is the one you have with you!
10 December 2013, 01:19 AM
AmandaHang on, do I understand that there's a significant difference between the iPhone5 and the iPhone5 S?
Does your "last year's model" include the iSIGHT camera?
And now that you mention it what camera do you use for product photography? Is it specialized for close-ups (anti-shake. speed of shutter, etc?)
Cuz the 5S seems to have all those features.
And your "nicer" camera - does it do all the usual perks most people want these days - i.e., landscape, portrait, low light, etc.?
(Turning this into a camera thread, but I was about to bite the bullet on a CANON).
The most dangerous word in the language is "obvious"
10 December 2013, 09:18 PM
Steve MillerToday I saw:
Man Fridge!
Life is short. Play with your dog.
10 December 2013, 09:36 PM
rustyfingersSo that high school renovation I posted about a few weeks ago? The override vote was today. I didn't go out--voted absentee last week.
The override passed with a vote of 68% in favor. The turnout was over 50% of registered voters.
Problems are not the problem. Coping is the problem. --Virginia Satir
11 December 2013, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by rustyfingers:
So that high school renovation I posted about a few weeks ago? The override vote was today. I didn't go out--voted absentee last week.
The override passed with a vote of 68% in favor. The turnout was over 50% of registered voters.
Now, will your kids be there long enough to enjoy it?
Ours have missed every building project, including the replacement of our 1959 HS building...Shorty just gets to live thru the construction without the reward.

"Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks."
11 December 2013, 09:38 PM
rustyfingersYep, according to the schedule, they will stage it, so some will be done for choochiefingers', and monkeyfingers will enjoy two years after it is finished.
Problems are not the problem. Coping is the problem. --Virginia Satir
11 December 2013, 09:57 PM
Steve MillerWrong thread most likely, but I would be interested in hearing what steps have been taken to assure that the district does a better job of maintaining the new building than they did with the old one.
My guess is that nothing will change and the new building will be ready for demolition in about 20 years.
Life is short. Play with your dog.
12 December 2013, 07:52 PM
rustyfingersAs would I Steve.
The good news is that the elementary school that was renovated in 2002 is being nicely maintained, as is the middle school renovated in 2009 and the library that was renovated in 1996, and these are all properties maintained by the same department, so there's hope.
Problems are not the problem. Coping is the problem. --Virginia Satir
13 December 2013, 10:38 PM
Looking up in the Rotunda at the Texas State Capitol in Austin. The star up in the top is 8 feet across.

Looking down at carolers from Westlake High School.

Breakfast tacos at Torchy's Tacos. Hipster slacker yum.

Car2Go lineup at the convention center! These are a great way to get around. Cheaper than a cab. Locate them with your smartphone. Mr. AM is a member. I think it's 41 cents a minute, and you can park it anywhere legal and walk away. We have them in Portland, too, and use it when we need a second car (not often).
Do you have Car2Go where you live? ZipCar? (We have a membership for that, too.)
13 December 2013, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by Amanda:
Hang on, do I understand that there's a significant difference between the iPhone5 and the iPhone5 S?
Does your "last year's model" include the iSIGHT camera?
And now that you mention it what camera do you use for product photography? Is it specialized for close-ups (anti-shake. speed of shutter, etc?)
Cuz the 5S seems to have all those features.
And your "nicer" camera - does it do all the usual perks most people want these days - i.e., landscape, portrait, low light, etc.?
(Turning this into a camera thread, but I was about to bite the bullet on a CANON).
No iSight camera, but it's good enough for walkabout.
I just bought a new camera, a Panasonic Lumix Micro Four Thirds camera. DSLR-like, but smaller. I like to travel light! But I don't know if this is light enough to fit my "light" parameters. I bought it mostly for product photography, and it does everything. Love that blurred background depth of field. I'll have to see how often I actually carry it.
13 December 2013, 10:47 PM
Steve Millerquote:
Originally posted by AdagioM:
Looking up in the Rotunda at the Texas State Capitol in Austin. The star up in the top is 8 feet across.

Life is short. Play with your dog.
14 December 2013, 12:06 AM
Originally posted by Steve Miller:
Originally posted by AdagioM:
Looking up in the Rotunda at the Texas State Capitol in Austin. The star up in the top is 8 feet across.
Thank you. This is my iPhone5 camera, not the nicer one. And if you "embiggen" the photo, you can see the letters TEXAS around the star. Pretty cool.