Hami melon?

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25 July 2023, 03:21 PM
Hami melon?
I'd never heard of it until last week. I'm a fan! Friends brought some on a vacation trip. I'd call it less sweet/cloying than a cantaloupe and crunchy similar to a barely ripe watermelon.


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25 July 2023, 06:09 PM
Have never heard of it either. They sound interesting.

I'm a fan of Tuscan melons, which are incredibly flavorful and quite sweet. Trader Joe's carries them.

We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to loveā€¦ and then we return home. - Australian Aboriginal proverb


25 July 2023, 08:34 PM
Hami melons are at Costco!

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26 July 2023, 11:38 AM
big al
I'll try to find one to taste. I like cantaloupe and honeydew (if they are ripe) melons; not so much watermelon. My wife talks about Crenshaw melons that her mother often purchased, but I not seen them for sale anywhere.

I wonder how many varieties of fruits and vegetables have vanished from the American table. I've seen some resurgence of heirloom tomato varieties. Some newer apples seem to have displaced older varieties in many orchards. One fruit that I particularly miss is the Sodus berry purple rasberry, a variety that my grandmother cultivated in her berry patch. She would start new plants from canes cut from the existing plants each year to renew the berry patch. I haven't had one of those berries since she passed away over 50 years ago.

We also had a yellow apple that grew as a volunteer from a garden scrap heap near our chicken coop. As a volunteer, it had no varietal name, but it made wonderful apple sauce. My father attempted to graft it to extend the line, but never succeeded in that effort.

Big Al

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A lifetime of experience will change a person. If it doesn't, then you're already dead inside. -MarkJ