A clear majority of people living outside the U.S. do not trust President Trump to do the right thing in world affairs, with fewer than one-third expressing confidence in him — an opinion also reflected in attitudes toward America generally, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center.
I find this quite disturbing, and indicative of a trend of how our worldwide relationships are crumbling. People who live in countries we've traditionally called our allies think the worst of us.
It's sad, and so unnecessary, that we've come to this.
Not all observers faulted only Iran after the nation admitted to firing a missile that downed a Ukrainian commercial airliner in Tehran and killed 176 people last week. On Sunday, the chief executive of a Canadian food giant took to the company’s corporate Twitter account to seemingly blame President Trump for the deaths of Canadian citizens aboard the plane, including the wife and child of a Maple Leaf Foods employee, after Trump inflamed Iran to retaliate to the U.S. drone strike that killed Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani earlier this month.
“A [Maple Leaf Foods] colleague of mine lost his wife and family this week to a needless, irresponsible series of events in Iran,” Maple Leaf Foods CEO Michael McCain tweeted. “U.S. government leaders unconstrained by checks/balances, concocted an ill-conceived plan to divert focus from political woes.”
McCain did not name Trump, but blamed the downing of the airplane on “a narcissist in Washington” that had escalated tensions between the United States and Iran to a “feverish pitch” in the days after the president ordered the drone strike in Baghdad. McCain said he was “very angry” after one of his employees lost his wife and 11-year-old son in the crash.
“The collateral damage of this irresponsible, dangerous, ill-conceived behavior?” McCain tweeted. “63 Canadians needlessly lost their lives in the crossfire, including the family of one of my MLF colleagues (his wife + 11 year old son)! We are mourning and I am livid.” (The number of Canadian citizens killed in the crash was revised from 63 to 57 last week.)
We are humans and we react in human ways. I think Trump is burning up good will at an alarming rate.
It's becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the effect that Trump's behavior and attitude are having on our relationships around the world. How you act and how you treat others comes back to help you, or to haunt you, in your future interactions.
Or I guess you can write it off to TDS.
-------------------------------- When the world wearies and society ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden - Minnie Aumônier
Posts: 38235 | Location: Somewhere in the middle | Registered: 19 January 2010
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the 57 Canadians killed when Iran shot down Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752 would be alive if not for recent escalations in tensions in the region.
Trudeau spoke with Global National‘s Dawna Friesen on Monday about the Canadian response to the plane crash and the ongoing work happening to support the families, identify the victims, and hold Iran to account in the investigation into how the missile that took down the plane was fired.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says the 57 Canadians killed when Iran shot down Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752 would be alive if not for recent escalations in tensions in the region.
Trudeau spoke with Global National‘s Dawna Friesen on Monday about the Canadian response to the plane crash and the ongoing work happening to support the families, identify the victims, and hold Iran to account in the investigation into how the missile that took down the plane was fired.
“If there were no tensions, if there was no escalation recently in the region, those Canadians would be right now home with their families,” said Trudeau.
“This is something that happens when you have conflict and war. Innocents bear the brunt of it and it is a reminder why all of us need to work so hard on de-escalation, moving forward to reduce tensions and find a pathway that doesn’t involve further conflict and killing.”