Real Estate..Show Us Your Local Listing
27 January 2022, 06:59 PM
piquéReal Estate..Show Us Your Local Listing
Originally posted by Steve Miller:
Just thinking, but the setup you have now seems close to ideal for how you want live. Maybe get a tractor, heat the drive, work up a windbreak. Hire a hand to help with chores.
It’s cheaper than moving.
We can't heat the 1/4 mile of road that is just beyond our driveway--that's the luge run. If we end up staying yes we will get a tractor. We are fine with doing the chores--we enjoy them!
The main issues are lack of decent medical care here and an incredibly hostile climate--arctic winters and wildfire/drought with a heaping helping of grasshoppers in summer.
I have been trying to figure out a windbreak, but when your house is atop an exposed hill, the windbreak is always going to be dowhill from the area you want to protect. If anyone has a solution to this I'm all ears.
The biggest reason I want to leave here is plain old lack of resources. There just isn't a big enough population here to support the amenities I'd like to have in my life. There's some wonderful people here, but it is too small for me.
fear is the thief of dreams
29 January 2022, 07:59 PM
Big Johnmy hood
Only 500 sq ft. Was a rental with the usual rental problems (renters). then they gutted it. And I mean GUTTED -- new wiring new plumbing new siding, insulation, walls, fixtures, kitchen, bath, everything new.
It went on initally for $103,900. They just lowered it.
At the end of the day it's barely over 500 sq ft, the attic is undevelopable without raising the roof, and the stairs to the basement AND the attic are more like ladders. It gets a lot of showings though!
Another day in Paradise.
30 January 2022, 12:46 AM
Steve MillerWhat might something like that rent for?
May I assume it’s close to Notre Dame?
Life is short. Play with your dog.
28 February 2022, 06:52 PM
BeeLadyUpdate #1: This new neighbor is LOVELY!!! We are so happy to have him in the hood. He is a local police officer whose Mom will be moving in with him when the snow melts.

He has already spent quite a bit of money to take care of things the flipper did not, including removing a giant tree that threatened the house at the cost of thousands.
We have spent lots of time out getting to know him as we all shovel snow together..
Update #2 to come...
Originally posted by BeeLady:
Just today my late (of COVID) neighbor's home closed after a flipper held it for 11 months.
We attended the open house with the family and were horrified..all the old charm stripped, horrible bad DYI quality finishes (vinyl floor strips don't meet the trim? Mold for all to see..daylight can be seen in door frames..UGH).
I dare anyone to hang a hanger in any of the closets. Space was stolen from them and no rods installed...You cannot hang anything in them now.
Sold today for full price of $595K (should have been much closer to to $400)..buyer financed 100% plus closing costs...
Oh..and landscaping not included!!
You can see this lovely old gem as it was in the movie "The Tender Bar" on Prime..the mailbox scene is filmed in front of it..(And my little house in the background across the street!).
Dick's Family Home
"Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks."
28 February 2022, 06:59 PM
BeeLadyUpdate # 2..OMG!! (see previous post for #1

My neighbor and I walk a lot and while walking past this house yesterday I found a friend!!!
I had noticed lights on, cars in the drive etc..Little did I expect a local business woman who I love had bought the place!
Her Dad's business is our org BIGGEST supporter...She is so ready to to take it on when he retires..But she has had lots of health issues so been awol for a few months....
At the beginning of the pandemic, I visited her at her former home to deliver an auction item she won at our fund raiser. I had included spinning (wool) lessons. As it was lock down, we had her lessons in the driveway.
While walking past yesterday, she lept over the snow bank and grabbed my hands, gave me a big hug...Turns out spinning was her therapy during her recovery..
OMG..and now she is my neigbhor and the caretaker the cutest house in the neighorhood.
Gosh..What a joy. I am SO very happy for her.
Originally posted by BeeLady:
I missed the open house today on this one...dang!
This is a flip that was on a double lot around the corner from me. It is known in the neighborhood as the Gingerbread house. They bought the house and subdivided and built a new colonial next door.
But this house has kept it's charm..The contractor is very sensitive to its original features and we have enjoyed seeing it brought back to life.
The shutters! They are something that kluurs would like! They are squirrel cutouts.

They were all removed, repaired, repainted and replaced. (Though one went on backwards!! Makes my teeth itch!)
I have gone by and looked in the windows at times..that long livingroom is beautiful and they kept all the beautiful woodwork.
I expect this will be off the market on Monday.
Belvidere Gingerbread House
"Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks."
07 June 2022, 05:58 PM
BeeLadyAnother amazing, though in need of love, home is up for sale.
It is pretty over grown, I had wondered if anyone lived there. Turns out the owner died but her obit showed that she used this house to throw amazing parties with all the politicians and 'who's who' in town. The interior is amazing (if you can look past the wallpaper and pink ceilings!), the exterior looking sad..
I suspect knob and tube electric and of course there is the issue of the kitchen.
So priced too high to sell quickly (and slimy agency)...If I had a winning lottery ticket I would take it on as a project.
Dinner Party House
"Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks."
08 June 2022, 09:38 AM
big alThis house in my neighborhood sold last month.
https://www.realtor.com/reales...s-detail/M4483647757Big Al
Money seems to buy the most happiness when you give it away.
Why does everything have to be so complicated, all in the name of convenience. -ShiroKuro
A lifetime of experience will change a person. If it doesn't, then you're already dead inside. -MarkJ
08 June 2022, 11:19 AM
MikhailohThis is in my HOA. It was built maybe 20 years ago. I went by the house that used to be there one day and thought they were replacing the windows. The next day the house, which would have been anyone's dream home was gone. In its place they built this. A great house, but overly ostentatious for the neighborhood. He was very miffed when the HOA would not let him build a heliport so he could chopper in.
Visible from the lakeside windows was a white grand piano. i see it is still there, likely unplayed. The philistine cometh.
"A mob is a place where people go to get away from their conscience" Atticus Finch
08 June 2022, 11:31 AM
Steve MillerThat paneled study!

Life is short. Play with your dog.
08 June 2022, 11:32 AM
Steve Millerquote:
Originally posted by big al:
This house in my neighborhood sold last month.
https://www.realtor.com/reales...s-detail/M4483647757Big Al
Nice house!
But I’m gonna need a bigger snowblower…
Life is short. Play with your dog.
08 June 2022, 02:45 PM
wtgIn the historic district of my town. There don't seem to be any photos of the bedrooms, baths, or basement. After seeing the living room and kitchen I think I understand why they skipped the rest of the house....
When the world wearies and society ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden - Minnie Aumônier
08 June 2022, 03:31 PM
NinaThere are a lot of price cuts when I search in my neighborhood. I still think some listing prices are insanity. But most houses still seem to be selling in < 2 months, sometimes far less. Hmmm.
08 June 2022, 04:42 PM
ShiroKuroEveryone's newest links are fun to see!!
I like the room with the white piano, but I would put a brown or black piano in there to make the piano really stand out!
Also, what is the flooring in that piano room? I don't think I like it.... It makes me think of a high end garage....
BL, that house has a lot going for it, it would be an amazing project house!
08 June 2022, 04:44 PM
After seeing the living room and kitchen I think I understand why they skipped the rest of the house....
Indeed! I also think it's almost worse that they included the before and after (or full and empty) photos, because it makes the clutter stand out that much more.
But, yeah, "sold as is" plus those photos does not instill confidence...
08 June 2022, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by Mikhailoh:
This is in my HOA. It was built maybe 20 years ago. I went by the house that used to be there one day and thought they were replacing the windows. The next day the house, which would have been anyone's dream home was gone. In its place they built this. A great house, but overly ostentatious for the neighborhood. He was very miffed when the HOA would not let him build a heliport so he could chopper in.
Visible from the lakeside windows was a white grand piano. i see it is still there, likely unplayed. The philistine cometh.
Whenever I see a house with significantly more bathrooms than bedrooms, I just completely turn off. What WILL the future make of our civilization, at least the strata who built such housing designs?
I remember reading a comment from a celebrity some time ago, in which she said her secret to a happy marriage was for each spouse to have their own bathroom.
Maybe so, but there's a limit. What IS the rationale? Sometimes the bathroom:bedroom ratio is 2:1 or more.
The most dangerous word in the language is "obvious"