17 February 2019, 01:11 AM
AmandaHow does he do it?
Pakistani immigrant with excellent restaurant shared by the homeless whom he feeds with no questions asked. He calls it "loving through food".
He says it's paid for by the regular customers.
Still have trouble figuring how it works out from a strictly fiscal POV but it is certainly working out spiritually.
Wondering if someone with misguided values will find a reason to close it down. May sound cynical but that is how things seem to be going nowadays.
Feeds the poor and homeless daily - blocks from the White House17 February 2019, 09:14 AM
wtgFollow-up to the original story.
Don't worry, it's good.
https://wjla.com/news/local/pa...eeding-poor-homeless17 February 2019, 09:58 AM
ShiroKuroFrom the first article:
"I don't want any donation but if you're coming in to eat, that's your support of helping a community restaurant that is offering kindness and love others," Mannan said. "I'm trying to worship our Creator through food."
So many thoughts, but here are two: 1) the "I don't want donations" is really telling about this gentleman's selfless attitude. 2) re the part about worshiping through food, I can think of not better example of religious devotion, I think many religious leaders,and self-professed devote people, would do well to follow his example!
There is so much ugliness in the world, much of it in the name of religion, he is a bright light in that darkness.
18 February 2019, 06:57 PM
big alMay a blessing be upon him and those whom he serves.
Big Al
Money seems to buy the most happiness when you give it away.
Why does everything have to be so complicated, all in the name of convenience. -ShiroKuro
A lifetime of experience will change a person. If it doesn't, then you're already dead inside. -MarkJ
18 February 2019, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by big al:
May a blessing be upon him and those whom he serves.
19 February 2019, 01:30 AM
Steve MillerWhat a great story!

19 February 2019, 08:16 AM
rich galassiniThis is a great piece of news. Thanks for sharing.
19 February 2019, 06:11 PM
AmandaI'm glad many of you were as encouraged and inspired by Kazi Mannan as I was!
I can't help reflecting what beautiful irony it is too that this man came as a completely broke unskilled, brown-skinned Muslim immigrant. (I even wonder if he was legally documented - no mention about the topic).
I can't help hoping that as many "Christians" as possible read about him - especially ones to whom brown Muslim immigrant is a virtual synonym for job-stealing, drain on the welfare system (and a dangerous one, to boot).
(FWIW I can't imagine many native sons whose ambition to open a high-end combo restaurant-soup kitchen was thwarted by his doing so!).
Wish this were reported on Fox News where you know who might hear of his success - his living the good deeds I used to think truly "Christian" living embodies. (Don't think this fits in any way with the abomination called the "Prosperity Gospel"!

19 February 2019, 06:32 PM
Bernard:heart: Beautiful story. Bless him. Thanks for sharing this Amanda, we need good news.
19 February 2019, 08:16 PM
AmandaGlad you too were moved, Bernard.
Although I didn't find this item here, I later found it listed on this "Good News" site.
Seeing Mister Rogers on the "front page" today (it's the anniversary of starting his show), is only one proof of the good judgment and intentions behind it. Don't know why but I find "Upworthy" a bit off-putting, certainly compared to this site. Less click-baitish, perhaps.
Good News network