Has Achieved Nirvana posted 27 May 2019 11:44 AM
Everyone knows what a landlocked country is.
A double landlocked country is a country surrounded only by landlocked countries. Thus two borders must be crossed before reaching the sea.
There are only two of these. Can you name them without googling?
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Has Achieved Nirvana I'd have to guess. The Congo? Hungary?
Serial origamist Has Achieved Nirvana Nope. I can't.
-------------------------------- pj, citizen-poster, unless specifically noted otherwise. mod-in-training. pj@ermosworld∙com All types of erorrs fixed while you wait.
Has Achieved Nirvana I can only come up with one possibility: Lichtenstein.
Don't know if that's one of the them, and can't think of any others.
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Posts: 38234 | Location: Somewhere in the middle | Registered: 19 January 2010
Minor Deity I'm guessing they may be former Soviet states? So maybe Kazakhstan as a wild guess?
Serial origamist Has Achieved Nirvana Maybe Uzbekistan. Something that ends in -stan.
I never think of Lichtenstein. I thought of Luxembourg, but that's not one.
My first thought was Lesotho, but no... it's distinction is being completely enclosed by one country, in other words, having only one border country and no coast. I think Vatican City is the only other country (and in the case of Vatican City, "country" may not be completely correct) in such a position.
-------------------------------- pj, citizen-poster, unless specifically noted otherwise. mod-in-training. pj@ermosworld∙com All types of erorrs fixed while you wait.
Minor Deity Nebraska? As an aside, I was always very happy that geography was not on the SAT exams.
"I've got morons on my team." Mitt Romney Minor Deity quote:
Originally posted by QuirtEvans: I'd have to guess. The Congo? Hungary?
Alas, Congo isn't even single landlocked. It touches the ocean.
I don't think anything in Africa, South America, or North America fits the bill.
If Liechtenstein is considered a country, then it clearly fills the bill, but I think it's a principality.
Hungary touches Croatia, which has an ocean outlet.
I'm guessing it's gotta be central asian places as others have mentioned.
Posts: 12759 | Location: Williamsburg, VA | Registered: 19 July 2005
Has Achieved Nirvana Yeah, Liechtenstein and Uzbekistan.
-------------------------------- If you think looting is bad wait until I tell you about civil forfeiture.
Has Achieved Nirvana It's funny, I was thinking about Liechtenstein, but in my head the map put it where Luxembourg is. I thought it bordered on Belgium.
Has Achieved Nirvana What is this thing which you call "landlocked"?
Minor Deity Wyoming and Colorado.
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