Good things...Post yours

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20 June 2022, 10:18 PM
Good things...Post yours
I posted some of this on FB..but I find I am hanging on to this positive energy..

I had someone stop today and chat about the work I have been doing on my house, the gardens..Never seen the guy before but we had a lovely chat...Another neighbor walking by called out to me as I weeded.

Yesterday, a coworker's SO dropped off something I was to work on for her..While he and I chatted, neighbors drove by and honked, waved.. Smiler

Perhaps I am just more tuned in having lived in an isolated place before..but with the last two years of COVID and stress, I so treasure the waves, shout outs, hugs of neighbors, walkers by...There are so many wonderful people out there...

How about you?

"Wealth is like manure; spread it around and it makes everything grow; pile it up, and it stinks."