knitterati Beatification Candidate

| I believe we’re in the neverending month of MarchAprilMay quarantine. |
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Has Achieved Nirvana

| OMG! The neverending month of MarchAprilMay quarantine is over. Now what?  |
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Has Achieved Nirvana

| The funny thing is this thread has received 750 views and nothing has changed. Lol! |
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Has Achieved Nirvana

| ?? |
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Has Achieved Nirvana

| It's ok with me if we leave this one up forever (it's thematic, it's very nice) but has MattG been kidnapped or something?  |
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Minor Deity

| How about the mods choose someone to update pictur3. If h aging. A contest has become boring we clan just have each designer chose someone for the following month? Jf -------------------------------- Be calm, be brave, it'll be okay.
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Has Achieved Nirvana

| I think it's fair to say the contest is moribund. I'll say again I'm perfectly fine with it. I'm grateful it didn't end on something I didn't like not related to the raison d'être of the forum. |
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