25 January 2020, 08:08 PM
Steve MillerThrowaway Email Address
I need a throwaway email address for the increasing number of sites that require one and then spam me with 10 emails a day. (I’m talking about YOU, Opendoor.com). I used to be able to just send them to spam but that no longer works everywhere.
What’s a good choice? Hotmail is now Outlook and part of Microsoft. Gmail is Google and they have been pretty evil lately. Maybe AOL?
25 January 2020, 10:30 PM
DougI use a yahoo email account for those sorts of places where I need to give them a real email address, but I don’t want to read any of their emails. Even in that, I keep the volume pretty well-controlled through a combination of unsubscribing and labeling as spam.
26 January 2020, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by Steve Miller:
Hotmail is now Outlook and part of Microsoft. Gmail is Google and they have been pretty evil lately. Maybe AOL?
AOL is part of Verizon.
What’s your consternation with sending your junk mail in the general direction of evil?
26 January 2020, 09:48 AM
MikhailohThere’s no free lunch. Just pick one. It won’t make any difference. I do find AOL spam filter to be quite effective. Not 100%, but good.
26 January 2020, 10:06 AM
RealPlayerWith my AOL account, I am allowed, I think, 5 different email addresses. One is my basic email, one is for family, and one I give to those sites that want to send me junk mail.
26 January 2020, 11:11 AM
rontunerI've had a couple of hotmail addresses forever. One is for junk and the other is not. About twice a month I scroll through the junk one just to make sure nothing is from an old friend that might have that address in their records.
26 January 2020, 11:46 AM
NinaI have a Yahoo email for junk as well. I don't know it's status, since I never go in there. Everything about it is fake. Fake name, fake phone number, you name it.
As Elaine would say, "Fake, fake, fake."

26 January 2020, 06:25 PM
BeeLadyI still have my gmail in my married name. I notified everyone and changed everything and kept that one for junk.
I poke my head in every now and then, but so far, it has been pretty good.
And if I get a call or something asking for "Mrs. P" I immediately know it is not likely legit.

26 January 2020, 09:36 PM
Matt G.If it's a throwaway, who cares? I have made dozens of throwaways on Gmail, Hotmail, and Yahoo. Since you're never going to check them, go with whoever you want to inconvenience most.