Perils of an impeachment fight (Frank Bruni)

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26 September 2019, 02:55 AM
Perils of an impeachment fight (Frank Bruni)
That somehow this despicable, still (to me anyhow) unbelievable being - at least, in his present position of power and idolatization - might once again exploit it so he'd end up ahead. That it would turn into another opportunity, another distraction from our real problems which need the money and focus an impeachment fight would rob us all of.

Worst, that contrary to all standards of justice and rightness, it might even enhance the terrifying prospect of his reelection.

Really, if ever an undeserving man were to sell his soul to the devil in return for improbable, successful self-aggrandizement, could he exceed Tr*mp (oughtn't his name be a curse?)? That is, if he had a soul to sell!

But as for impeachment, up to now (when it seems most possible), I've sorrowfully resisted it as anything but a fantasy of release, for fear of the Pence alternative. Now, though, when we can contemplate the possibility of ousting him through the democratic process instead, anything that might make that less likely, IS fearsome.

(Or do any of you think the circus of martyrdom he might turn it into, is more apt to harm him in the majority public eye?

Like the rest of you, I've watched in shock and horrow as the most articulate journalism, wisdom and admonitions from all flanks of learned American society (including even right-wing leaders from the military) failed be heard. And that, even as he outdid himself in attacking the most basic institutions and interests of our country and the world. I can't imagine how he could have done more to damage our values and environmental needs.

Still some malevolent magnetism he exudes and attracts has allowed him to be elected and even left him relatively unscathed. In the light of all this, Frank Bruni's warnings ring all too true to me.

Why to fear impeachment

The most dangerous word in the language is "obvious"