This is actually kind of a shame

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09 September 2020, 02:42 PM
This is actually kind of a shame
This story is about my little town:

Visit Cancelled

it’s a shame because there was quite a groundswell movement of people ordering the reserved tickets for the private event, and planning to not show up. The goal was to have a nearly empty room for his fundraiser…
09 September 2020, 03:44 PM
Do you pay for the reserved tickets in advance?
Just trying to figure out if his campaign get to keep your money regardless of whether you show up.

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09 September 2020, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by Axtremus:
Do you pay for the reserved tickets in advance?
Just trying to figure out if his campaign get to keep your money regardless of whether you show up.

Apparently not. A number of people in a local group reported being able to reserve up to two tickets without advance payment.
09 September 2020, 04:23 PM
Trump should be accustomed to speaking to small crowds at this point.

Several people have eaten my cooking and survived.

10 September 2020, 08:59 AM
I don't think tickets to the rallies cost anything. I reserved 2 (which is the limit) for a few of them here in PA and they were free. I did have to turn over a valid cell phone number to confirm (I guess they got wise after the first few when teenagers on tik tok reserved thousands of tickets under fake names and didn't show up) so now I get spammed by the campaign constantly via text and email. But I wisely used my father-in-laws phone and email, which we are still keeping active while we sort out his affairs (he passed away in May). He was a trump supporter and already getting spammed, so now the only difference is the emails have my name on them.

"Lisa, the left HATES you. They call you deplorable. But now is your chance - if you donate $27 in the next hour, we will send you an EXCLUSIVE AUTOGRAPHED copy of Donald Trump Jr's book. I'm counting on you Lisa...." and on and on and on. Via text. And email. At least 8 times a day each.

Here's a typical text - it astounds me that they think their supporters fall for this, but it is the same basic theme repeated over and over -- that pres trump personally chose YOU and is counting on YOU:

"Don Jr: You hit the jackpot! Pres Trump sat down with the First Family and chose 10 donors to get today's 6X-Match. You made the list! Claim here:"

I'm not even sure they keep track of the tickets honestly - I was told I had 2 successfully reserved but I don't think I was ever emailed any actual tickets. I think they know a ton of people who reserve are planning to be no shows and if the rally in my local firehouse is any indication, they are under no risk of filling up/selling out anything. I think it's mostly a way for them to get people on their spam lists at this point. So just be aware if you decide to reserve tickets that you are going to get bombarded by "personal messages" from the pres and family (and Pence once in a while!)
10 September 2020, 04:26 PM

Sounds like the same sh.. that I have been getting.

Only response I ever made was early on...

"Get me off your mailing list...I hate T".
Or something like that!

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