29 June 2022, 04:28 PM
ShiroKuroQuestion for someone who knows about Excel or website design
I know that's a super broad title... :P
So, I made myself a website and I'm making a page for my students for Japanese pop music. I made a Spotify playlist and I want to have a list on my website that shows
band/artist, song title, year released, lyric difficulty, link to vocab/grammar explanations.
So that's 5 cells horizontally, and then right now there are about 120 songs, so 120 rows. And I want to be able to add to it regularly (of course that should be the easy part)
I'd like for it to show up on my website and people could click on the category "band/artist" and the list would change to be in order of band name, or they could click on "year" and it would show up with newest first, click again and show up as oldest first. And of course, when the order changes, it's not just that column, but the whole row has to move together...
I don't even know what this is called so I am not finding helpful things when I google how to do it. Also, I made my site using Wix, and they have a lot of templates of webpages and lots of how to info, but I don't have any idea what I'm looking for.
But what I want is basically how David Nevue lists his sheet music, here:
https://www.davidnevue.com/she....htm#sheet-music-topYou can click to sort the list by "song title" "album" "difficulty"
I would imagine you could start with an excel doc, but how would you get that onto the website?
Does anyone here have any tips about how I should search, what I should search for?
29 June 2022, 06:30 PM
AxtremusConsider the approach outlined in
https://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/Good luck!
29 June 2022, 06:50 PM
ShiroKuroSortable! Why could I not come up with that word on my own!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks Ax!!