Has Achieved Nirvana

| It's not until tomorrow! I sent my Dad 20 prints I took bought from Google of photos I took with my phone. They're all pictures of my place and neighborhood. I'm proud of my place and do a lot of work to keep up with outside maintenance. Parenthetically, I walked into my bathroom this morning to find my roommate's boyfriend in high heels, wearing little clothing, and applying makeup up. She's been here for almost,24 hours and my roommate hasn't stopped talking. Her truck went missing in the middle of the night. My roommate accused me of having it towed, with actual conviction, yelling, and using abusive language. Yeah, no. I told her and him in a less kind way to call the police non-emergency number.  His father was very handsome as it happens and a strict disciplinarian. It's too bad he died a few years ago. It's too bad he's not around today because roommate has floated off into the sky like a child's balloon. Anyway, Happy Father's Day! |
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Has Achieved Nirvana

| Oh, dear. Boyfriend has no place of his own, no job, an expired license, an impounded truck and was given an "open ended" invitation to stay here and roommate didn't speak to me first. Boyfriend tells me he doesn't want to move in and when asked how long she plans to stay tells me ten days or two weeks. I wonder if I have any legal or practical basis to keep boyfriend from moving in if what boyfriend tells me changes. Roommate's narcissism is beyond the pale. I told him he will give me his half of the rent in cash before I spend $1 more financially contributing to this house and that my half of the electricity bill will be credited to the $1,500 electricity bill he left on my account when he lied to the electricity company convincing them I had moved out without paying the bill and that he will be responsible for fees and interest when the bill goes to a collection agency moreover if he doesn't show me the actual bill he will be paying the electricity bill by himself. Enough!
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Has Achieved Nirvana

| wtg, Your father looks so proud. What a beautiful picture! |
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