Pineapple Express a-comin’

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21 February 2021, 10:24 PM
Pineapple Express a-comin’
Heavy rain, snow at higher elevations, and wind are hitting form Eugene to the Canadian border over the next couple of days.

Seattle is already four inches over normal rainfall for the year. The ground is saturated and rivers are up. We may see some flooding. Maybe some more power outages.

Some people in Portland still haven’t gotten power back on from last weekend’s snowstorm.

pj, citizen-poster, unless specifically noted otherwise.



All types of erorrs fixed while you wait.

21 February 2021, 11:25 PM
We have high winds here and driving rain atop wind slab snow. Temperatures in the 40s tomorrow, then back to the deep freeze. It's going to be slick out there. Will have to lock up the horses so they don't fall on the ice.

fear is the thief of dreams

21 February 2021, 11:37 PM
Steve Miller
80 degrees tomorrow, light breeze.

Why can’t I get the kids to move back here?

Life is short. Play with your dog.

22 February 2021, 12:36 AM
Eight inches of snow and black ice two days ago. Wintry mix tomorrow, then temps climb back into the 40s for a few days.

“It's hard to win an argument with a smart person. It's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person." -- Bill Murray

22 February 2021, 03:31 PM
Pouring in Whistler this morning, at least at the lodge. Not sure if it is clear up above. Right now it's a beautiful sunny day in the 'Couv, so hopefully Mr. Nina's ski adventure is above the (rapidly receding) clouds.

I'm working. Boooo.
22 February 2021, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Nina:
Pouring in Whistler this morning, at least at the lodge. Not sure if it is clear up above. Right now it's a beautiful sunny day in the 'Couv, so hopefully Mr. Nina's ski adventure is above the (rapidly receding) clouds.

I'm working. Boooo.

did i miss something? have you relocated to canada?


fear is the thief of dreams

22 February 2021, 04:31 PM
It is so bad here I have over 3 feet of snow on my freaking roof! Major Ice Dam formed and water started to leak into the piano room. Thankfully it is far away from the piano.

Had a crew out here busting it up and making channels for the meltwater to flow off the roof instead of under the shingles. Window cracked, water is soaking the wood frame, etc.

Not a great morning.
22 February 2021, 04:44 PM
Wow. Hate to hear that, mark. Hope it doesn't get worse.

I remember doing this one year, before we had the house re-roofed and ice dam protection installed:


We used the pantyhose method....

When the world wearies and society ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden - Minnie Aumônier

22 February 2021, 04:51 PM
Steve Miller
Originally posted by markj:
It is so bad here I have over 3 feet of snow on my freaking roof! Major Ice Dam formed and water started to leak into the piano room. Thankfully it is far away from the piano.

Had a crew out here busting it up and making channels for the meltwater to flow off the roof instead of under the shingles. Window cracked, water is soaking the wood frame, etc.

Not a great morning.

Yikes! Hope you get everything resolved quickly.

Life is short. Play with your dog.

22 February 2021, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by piqué:
Originally posted by Nina:
Pouring in Whistler this morning, at least at the lodge. Not sure if it is clear up above. Right now it's a beautiful sunny day in the 'Couv, so hopefully Mr. Nina's ski adventure is above the (rapidly receding) clouds.

I'm working. Boooo.

did i miss something? have you relocated to canada?


Nope, I wish! Jon has been working here part-time for about 3 years or so, so we go back and forth--made a lot more difficult with Covid, and getting harder. I snuck in just before the bad weather and the PCR test requirement. (I have a trailing spouse work permit which lets me enter.)
22 February 2021, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by markj:
It is so bad here I have over 3 feet of snow on my freaking roof! Major Ice Dam formed and water started to leak into the piano room. Thankfully it is far away from the piano.

Had a crew out here busting it up and making channels for the meltwater to flow off the roof instead of under the shingles. Window cracked, water is soaking the wood frame, etc.

Not a great morning.

omg. that happened to us one winter. was so lucky to find a roofer to come out in the middle of the night as the ceiling was falling in. everyone in town needed him that night.

fear is the thief of dreams

22 February 2021, 07:49 PM
Insurance company is swamped with claims releated to Ice Dams in this area.
22 February 2021, 08:24 PM
I used to get regular ice dams in a valley in my roof in Massachusetts. Until I got heating tape installed, I'd leave an A-frame ladder out there all winter and shovel off as much snow as I could, and then hammer off any ice that formed as the snow higher up melted and ran down... it was so bad one winter that I rigged up a hair dryer and had it melt the ice (which then ran off the roof and formed HUGE icicles, but that was better than an ice dam on the roof).
23 February 2021, 09:31 AM
Heat tape is installed in the gutters in one section that had an ice dam 22 years ago. We took the advice of the roofing company and had insulation blown in to the attic. It's probably 24"-32" deep all around the attic.

Never had a problem since. Until this year. Never had this much snow on the roof before. The number of freeze/thaw cycles coupled with the large amounts of snow, brought the prefect storm scenario to this one section of roof.

Much more heat tape will be installed ASAP. Going to run all the valleys, do a medium to high frequency sine wave pattern from gutter to 2 or 3 feet up the roof. Probably heat the gutters too. I will have a dedicated electrical circuit installed, and just have to throw a breaker in December and April.
23 February 2021, 01:10 PM
Ice dams--a new thing I learned. That sounds like no fun, and another reason not to move somewhere that has a lot of snow (as if I needed another Big Grin ).