About Jews and Christmas music, and more - unique family tradition

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24 December 2020, 07:17 PM
About Jews and Christmas music, and more - unique family tradition
Hannukah music definitely doesn't have the same spiritual panache - not even counting Adam Sandler's Dreidel song. (Decided to make into this separate thread. Laugh at me if you please! Blush)


For that matter (may have confessed before), I (Santa) filled stockings for my sons until they reached Bar Mitzvah age - a family tradition. There's something magical about finding an exploding stocking IN THE MORNING, as opposed to night-time gifts.

But only a stocking. Began after I read an article about the psychological benefit to kids of believing in a benevolent old man who cared about them. Santa was definitely the only positive male in their lives (besides which I myself could guide them with a loving, value-laden correspondence Smiler ).

My younger son got into a long-lasting pen-pal relationship with him, to the point where I worried he was going to be humiliated by sharing it with friends long after they had been debriefed. Writing letters to son (block letters, evolving to typing to avoid recognition) got to taking much longer than wrapping and stuffing the little gifts.

And you know, they really DID make a big difference in his morale and ethical foundation. It was the only opportunity I had to introduce a decent male figure into his life (replacing the sadly oblivious - even negative - father and uncles).

(Admittedly, I do not broadcast this at the synagogue.)

The most dangerous word in the language is "obvious"