Isn't it just easier to make a cup of coffee yourself?

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22 January 2019, 10:20 AM
Isn't it just easier to make a cup of coffee yourself?
Starbucks and Uber are joining forces to deliver coffee, snacks, and other items in six major US cities.

Starbucks says 95% of its menu will soon be available on the Uber Eats app, and purchases come with a $2.49 flat booking fee.

It is scheduled to launch in San Francisco on Tuesday before rolling out in New York, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Washington, DC, over the next few weeks.

The new system means Uber Eats couriers will be able to deliver coffee from 3,500 stores, a quarter of all Starbucks stores in the US.

Starbucks said it developed new packaging to maintain coffee temperature during 30-minute deliveries.


When the world wearies and society ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden - Minnie Aumônier

22 January 2019, 11:10 AM
Jesus. The amount of money (not to mention calories) you can save every month by not drinking these ridiculously overpriced beverages is insane. You could easily afford one of those make it all machines instead (with reusable filters)if that kind of drink is what you really want.

Smiler Jodi

23 January 2019, 12:18 AM
2.50 delivery fee on a $3 cup of coffee.

23 January 2019, 01:27 AM
That's crazy.

I have to confess I've been going out for coffee at our local places within a few blocks of here (not big chains like Starbucks though). I don't go every day or anything, but I like to support local businesses and check in on the neighborhood vibe -- that more than the coffee, which is not always the greatest...

“It's hard to win an argument with a smart person. It's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person." -- Bill Murray

23 January 2019, 02:18 AM
I'm breathless.

Let me know when the wheels fall off the Uber drivers' cars.
23 January 2019, 06:57 AM
Good grief. Agreed, this is ridiculous.

But then again, I *buy* a cup of coffee maybe once every three months (I make my own, take it to work etc.) So I’m guessing I’m as far away from the target demographic here as you can get, and thus don’t understand the mindset to begin with.

My piano recordings at Box.Net: https://app.box.com/s/j4rgyhn72uvluemg1m6u

23 January 2019, 08:32 AM
Ok, to be fair, I love fancy coffee that somebody else makes, especially if it’s at a fun local coffeehousee (and usually with a yummy pastry too). But I almost never do it because of the $$ and the calories!

Smiler Jodi

23 January 2019, 08:43 AM
Count me in with those who love catching up with with a friend over a great cup of cappuccino in a local coffeehouse.

I just don't think Starbucks comes close to that experience. I don't particularly like their coffee, it's expensive, and I don't find their shops very appealing.

Clearly, I'm not their target market for delivery either.

When the world wearies and society ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden - Minnie Aumônier

23 January 2019, 09:01 AM
Their target market is young urban professional millenials, who want their Starbucks but are chained to their desks and don't have an assistant to send for it. None of us fit that demographic, but it would be silly not to recognize that that demographic exists.
23 January 2019, 09:22 AM
In my young urban professional days, it was traders at the exchange who fit that profile. They would send a runner to Starbucks to grab a coffee for them, sometimes five or six times a day.

We had a guy in Marketing who used to give retirement planning seminars to these guys. When they complained that they didn't have any money to save for retirement he would ask them how much money they spent on Starbucks every day, then extrapolated that out to an annual figure.

Don't know if it changed many coffee habits but at least he tried to get their attention.

When the world wearies and society ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden - Minnie Aumônier

23 January 2019, 09:39 AM
Count me in with those who love catching up with with a friend over a great cup of cappuccino in a local coffeehouse.

This. I tend not to get the fancy drinks, but I love a good local coffee shop, especially if there's interested art on the walls! And yes, Starbucks doesn't fit the bill.

Oh, the other kind of coffee I will pay for is a really good cold brew in the summertime. Coffee shops that do cold brew right are always going to have better cold brew than I make myself. But again, even that I only do once or twice during the summer.

Also, as Quirt mentioned, I suspect this service will only really work in large urban areas, but in those places, it will probably work really, really well.

They would send a runner to Starbucks to grab a coffee for them, sometimes five or six times a day.

Geez Louise! That would add up so quickly, I can't imagine doing that!

My piano recordings at Box.Net: https://app.box.com/s/j4rgyhn72uvluemg1m6u

23 January 2019, 10:08 AM
I may get kicked out of town for admitting this in public, but I stopped drinking coffee last spring. I have had maybe two cups since then.

Before that, I would make a pot of coffee on Monday and reheat a cup in the microwave each morning for the rest of the week.

I guess I'm just not that fussy.

pj, citizen-poster, unless specifically noted otherwise.



All types of erorrs fixed while you wait.

23 January 2019, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by QuirtEvans:
Their target market is young urban professional millenials, who want their Starbucks but are chained to their desks and don't have an assistant to send for it. None of us fit that demographic, but it would be silly not to recognize that that demographic exists.

I'd have thought their target market was the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. (if not Italy), but you're the expert, and, I defer to you.
23 January 2019, 10:36 AM
I confess, I get a large iced Starbucks coffee almost every day I go in to work. I sip on it all day long (hence my getting iced coffee, in a reusable insulated cup). One of the main reasons I do it is so I don't have to get coffee throughout the day. I guess that makes me a millennial! Big Grin

The thing I dislike about S'bux is they have discontinued carrying a reduced fat turkey bacon breakfast sandwich which, at < 300 calories, was a great high-protein, low-calorie breakfast option if I was in a rush in the mornings. Now it's impossible to buy anying in there that isn't north of 400 calories. No thanks.

Would I pay even more for delivery? No freaking way. I feel almost overly indulgent as it is. (As an aside, at least in these parts S'bucks will deliver a box/carafe of coffee for a meeting for free, and include cups.)
23 January 2019, 10:43 AM
Another question: for those of you who work in offices, are you even allowed to make coffee at work? I've worked in places where you weren't allowed to bring a coffee maker to work, due to safety concerns. That's not an issue in my current place, but it's definitely been a problem in the past. That's what got me in the habit of stopping for coffee on my way in to work in the first place.