09 November 2020, 04:18 PM
wtgA most wonderful autumn
We're on like day 9 of temps well above average. Typically in early November it's in the 50s, but today we're in the mid 70s.
It's been breezy every day and there are leaves everywhere even though people (including me) have been raking regularly.
Yesterday I saw at least half a dozen homes whose owners were taking advantage of the nice weather and putting up Christmas decorations.
Some pics from a couple of recent walks in my neighborhood...
I wish there were a way to send you the scent of this autumn-blooming common witch hazel. The leafless branches are full of tiny spidery-looking yellow flowers. The scent is amazing. Not overwhelming, just very distinctive and, I find, very pleasant.
This specimen is quite large. I'm going to be doing an overhaul of my yard and next year and think I'll try to incorporate one somewhere.
I love when I walk past it and catch the scent.
Oakleaf hydrangea, one of my absolute favorite shrubs.
09 November 2020, 04:50 PM
wtgOne more....a Judd viburnum in my back yard that has some beautiful color this year. Normally it's a bit drab, but it's outdoing itself in 2020; it had lots of wonderfully scented flowers in the spring and this great color in the autumn.
09 November 2020, 04:54 PM
ShiroKuroLove the photos!!! I love autumn, and for the most part, we're having a nice one down here as well!

Things also seem a lot nicer since Saturday as well!
09 November 2020, 05:38 PM
big alSame here. Weather the past few days has been exceptionally nice. The fall colors were as beautiful as I can recall and they've lasted exceptionally long. The maples are mostly bare or at least past their prime, but the oaks have a rich blend of ochre and sienna tones that they're slow to surrender. It does mean that leaves have fallen in batches. I've cleared them from the yard twice and I'll be doing it again before we're done, but that's a small price to pay for being able to enjoy the season so long.
Big Al
09 November 2020, 07:25 PM
wtgChristmas comes early.
09 November 2020, 11:05 PM
jodiAnd we are way below normal. It was 2 degrees this morning. And 14 when I went out to see the horse.
09 November 2020, 11:25 PM
Steve MillerI was in Washington State over the weekend and it really was beautiful. The leaves are turning and quite spectacular!
It was overcast until about 15 minutes before the service when the skies cleared. Cool, clear and sunny. Beautiful!
10 November 2020, 05:20 PM
Jack FrostSeveral days of sunny 70 degree weather in Maine . Jodi take note!