czarina Has Achieved Nirvana

| Oh for heaven's sake! Lisa is back in NH? I used to visit her in Lebanon when I lived in NYC, and she and I went on a reporters tour of Montana together back in 1988. Of course I remember her! Last time I saw her we had dinner in Charleston, SC, where she had moved. Must have been about ten years ago. Has she moved back to NH or is she just visiting? How on earth did I come into the conversation? . -------------------------------- fear is the thief of dreams
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czarina Has Achieved Nirvana

| Wait.She plays viola? This I did not know. And she's already a friend of yours? Had I known she had returned to NH I would have introduced when you moved there. Small world! -------------------------------- fear is the thief of dreams
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czarina Has Achieved Nirvana

| Please say hi from me!! -------------------------------- fear is the thief of dreams
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Minor Deity

| quote: Originally posted by piqué: Oh for heaven's sake! Lisa is back in NH? I used to visit her in Lebanon when I lived in NYC, and she and I went on a reporters tour of Montana together back in 1988. Of course I remember her! Last time I saw her we had dinner in Charleston, SC, where she had moved. Must have been about ten years ago. Has she moved back to NH or is she just visiting?
How on earth did I come into the conversation? .
Yes, she lives here now. She's on the board of directors at the music school. Just bought a new place on Spectacle Pond not too far from here, and has just purchased an old church that she plans to use as a performance space. Well we were talking about pianos and she mentioned Piano World and I explained that I joined PW in 2001 and spent considerable time there early on. She then asked if I knew you! Small world. |
| Posts: 10678 | Location: North Groton, NH | Registered: 21 April 2005 |  
Minor Deity

| quote: Originally posted by piqué: Please say hi from me!!
I will! |
| Posts: 10678 | Location: North Groton, NH | Registered: 21 April 2005 |  
czarina Has Achieved Nirvana

| I don't remember her being so involved in music. I knew she played piano, but never heard her play, and she didn't have a piano that I can recall at her home in Lebanon. Our connection was that we were both broke freelance writers. But Lisa was always very entrepreneurial, always full of bold ideas, and IIRR she had a publishing company for awhile. This is so cool. I hope she and I will get back in touch. -------------------------------- fear is the thief of dreams
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czarina Has Achieved Nirvana

| She hasn't aged a day! Enfield rings a bell, too. I think she may have lived there also. She was living in Brooklyn when we met. We were picked up by the same limo to go to the airport to fly to Montana together as part of a writer's fam tour. I was writing for Skiing magazine in those days, and Lisa was a freelance travel writer. She moved to NH right after we returned from Montana, but we got on so well during that week that i visited her up there a few times, and we talked on the phone fairly often. She had the hugest cat i had ever seen in my life --her name was Squggy. Squggy lay on my chest the first night I spent at Lisa's and nearly crushed me to death.  Lisa is a huge cat person. She must have welcomed my Mastiff to her house though because I never went anywhere without him. I'm glad you two connected! -------------------------------- fear is the thief of dreams
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Has Achieved Nirvana

| Love these small world stories. -------------------------------- If you think looting is bad wait until I tell you about civil forfeiture.
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Serial origamist Has Achieved Nirvana

| quote: Originally posted by jon-nyc: Love these small world stories.
What are you doing reading a thread that was specifically noted as for pique only? -------------------------------- pj, citizen-poster, unless specifically noted otherwise.
All types of erorrs fixed while you wait.
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Minor Deity

| Neat! -------------------------------- The earth laughs in flowers
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czarina Has Achieved Nirvana

| 111 views. Means 220 spying eyes. So much for privacy around here! Hey Bernard Lisa and I exchanged emails this morning. So you did a mitzvah.  -------------------------------- fear is the thief of dreams
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