Speaking of vaccine prioritization, where’s the VIP list?

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01 January 2021, 10:29 AM
Speaking of vaccine prioritization, where’s the VIP list?
What decisions were made and who made them?

Someone decided that Pence’s wife gets a shot but not (say) the spouse of the newly elected house rep.

But we don’t know specifics except what we can infer from photo ops and social media feeds.

Am I right? Or has the list been published somewhere?

If you think looting is bad wait until I tell you about civil forfeiture.

01 January 2021, 11:00 AM
Why do Pence, AOC, and other politicos merit being in the first round anyway? They live in a (potentially) tighter bubble than most people, and have access to all the best care if they do come down with COVID. I say "potentially" because we know that part of being a GOP "leader" these days means risking your health to pander to the stupidest, meanest, most gullible people in America, but I digress.

I get the "lead by example" argument, but I just don't find it very persuasive. You want to lead by example, get people who are closer to the most resistant types, people they might see as good examples. Not politicians.
01 January 2021, 11:29 AM
Mary Anna
The "leading by example" argument for people in the public eye being vaccinated early only works if the person has been leading by example by wearing a mask, socially distancing, refraining from hosting superspreader events, and urging everyone to follow common-sense practices to keep the virus in check.

Many, many of the public figures getting vaccines fail this simple test.

And, good lord, anybody who has ever spread anti-vax nonsense should be at the end of the line.

Mary Anna Evans

01 January 2021, 11:35 AM
Well, the 'lead by example' could work even for someone who didn't do a good job beforehand.

Its not hard to imagine a world where Trump didn't get Covid in October, and took one of the first vaccines really publicly. That could have an effect among his supporters, at the margin anyway.

But 'leading by example' for 535 congress people? That's a justification not a reason. And a bad one at that.

But you know, before even complaining about who is on the VIP list, I want to know:

1) Who compiled it and approved it

2) Who made the cut and why

If you think looting is bad wait until I tell you about civil forfeiture.

01 January 2021, 11:44 AM
I also want to know if any of the major league sports teams are cutting special deals, either directly with the vaccine companies or through the government and/or with government acquiescence.

If you think looting is bad wait until I tell you about civil forfeiture.

01 January 2021, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by Mary Anna:

And, good lord, anybody who has ever spread anti-vax nonsense should be at the end of the line.


Smiler Jodi

02 January 2021, 12:28 AM
Originally posted by jon-nyc:
I also want to know if any of the major league sports teams are cutting special deals, either directly with the vaccine companies or through the government and/or with government acquiescence.

The NBA sent a memo out to all its teams ... any team or player who cuts the line for a vaccine will be penalized.

I haven't heard of other leagues taking a similar hard line.