
| In other exciting news, I got my first vaccine yesterday. As I suspected, they don't seem to have a lot of demand -- this was a vaccine event for EMS providers only, held at EMS headquarters, and there were a ton of available appointment slots. After the shot, they ask you to wait around for 20 mins to make sure you don't have a reaction, and while I was waiting, only 1 other person came in. They were set up to handle 2 people every 5 minutes, so I'm guessing they don't have nearly as many takers as they'd like to have. It's frustrating really - while those folks sat around all day yesterday with vials of vaccine and no takers, LL#1 is preparing to head back to her Covid hotspot state for college. Would be nice if she could get vaccinated first. |
| Posts: 4422 | Location: Suburban Philly, PA | Registered: 30 April 2005 |  
Has Achieved Nirvana

| Will be interested to hear what your experiences are with the vaccine. A friend in health care who got it this past Sunday said her arm hurt for a day or two, but nothing else. -------------------------------- When the world wearies and society ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden - Minnie Aumônier
| Posts: 38235 | Location: Somewhere in the middle | Registered: 19 January 2010 |  
Minor Deity

| quote: Originally posted by Lisa: In other exciting news, I got my first vaccine yesterday.
YES! It looks like my genius advise from Jan.1 is already on track to save many lives! Yay me!!! I have already over-achieved my good deed quota for the year, I can be selfish and evil for the rest of the year now and still have many karma points left to spare. Oh what fun I shall have this year!  |
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| I'm not sure how many lives me getting vaccinated will save, but on the off chance it's mine, thank you Ax!
WTG - the shot itself didn't hurt at all - it was the Moderna one which is a bigger dose, so I was expecting it to burn, but didn't feel it at all. By that evening, my arm hurt pretty bad but by the next morning, soreness was down to the level of like a normal flu shot, and by that evening it felt fine. The woman who gave me the shot said the second one typically has a more severe reaction because you've already built up some antibodies and then they hit you again which causes your immune system to go into overdrive - she said to expect fever, chills, and an overall flu like feeling for a couple hours. We shall see. |
| Posts: 4422 | Location: Suburban Philly, PA | Registered: 30 April 2005 |  
Has Achieved Nirvana

| So Lisa wins decorator of the month, right? Because she predicted she would get it first? (Maybe I haven’t been paying enough attention). --------------------------------
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Minor Deity

| Muffin's Sister has an appointment for her first dose later this month. I am so relieved to think that she'll be protected. Now I'm counting down the days. Muffin is teaching from home through the end of the month. She has to ride the bus to work, which scares me as much as her daily close contact with kindergartners, so I'm relieved that she's not having to do those things for a few weeks. I'm crossing my fingers that she'll get her first shot during that period. |
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