An article in the Post and Courier has a diagram of what Earhart's plane looked like:
Mirage or discovery?
The object was the same size of the Lockheed Electra, Romeo said.
It appeared to have two wings, a fuselage and a tail.
Most intriguing was the shape of what they thought might be the tail: It was similar to the Lockheed’s distinctive twin-fin tail.
David Jourdan, co-founder and president of Nauticos, has searched three times for the wreckage over the past three decades. Jourdan said he’s seen the Deep Sea Vision sonar images.
“It definitely appears to be an aircraft of some sort. It has aircraft-like features,” he said. “But sound is funny. It can mislead you. We can’t say it’s her plane until you put a camera on it.”
Romeo said he and his team knew the dangers of reading something into the image. But the sonar readings seemed to suggest the object was metallic.
A much more comprehensive discussion:
When the world wearies and society ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden - Minnie Aumônier